With the COVID19 pandemic rages on, it’s no surprise that many of us are feel extremely anxious right now. There many things I’ve done that have continued to help me stay grounded, calm and manage my emotions during this time filled with so many uncertainty and stress

Tip #1Reframe the situation. Finding ways to reframe the situation has helped me navigate some tough times. There are some positive aspects to a situation that can be found, even the one that we are currently in. For example, if you are working from home for the first time, revel in the fact that are you are in a safe space, not having to worrying about the commute to the office, etc. If you have recently lost your job, have faith that a better one is yet to come. Use the time you have to focus on what you want in your next role. Of course, don’t deny your other emotions and make sure to honor and feel them completely and fully – but remember to search for an upside to the situation you’re in. As Brazilian author Paulo Coelho eloquently says, “…So when life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means that it’s going to launch you into something great.”

Tip #2Start your morning by setting your intentions. I mediate, do some yoga and set my intentions for the rest of the day. Even saying to yourself “today is going to be a good day” shifts your perspective to a more positive one.

Tip #3: Meditate. Meditation is a great way to relieve stress, controls anxiety and improves sleep. You can find meditations online pretty easily (even ones specifically for anxiety and stress). You can also listen to meditation music to help you relax (I highly recommend you search “sound bath” or “gong bath”). You can also do a walking meditation if regular meditations aren’t your thing.

Tip #4: Give generously. This can be leaving a higher tip for the delivery person delivering you lunch, donating to a charity you love, etc. Of course, money may be tough nowadays but I believe a little goes a long way. To quote Aesop “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”

Tip #5Practice gratitude and forgiveness daily. One of my teachers in college once said “People can live off a thank you for two weeks.” Find a way to practice gratitude, whether its sending a thank you note to one of your coworkers or finding 5 things you are grateful for every day and writing it down in a journal. Forgiveness also allows us to shift our perspective as well. One of the most transformative tools I’ve learned is the Ho’oponopono ritual. Do it before you got to bed every night and you’ll find feeling more at ease (and maybe a little emotional the first time you do it, which is totally normal!).

Tip #6Try to keep your normal routine as much as possible and maintain clear boundaries if working at home. Maintaining as much as your normal routine, or the routine you had before may help you feel more comfortable. If you working at home, having and maintaining clear boundaries as to when you workday starts and ends will help you not let your workday seep into the rest of your day.

Tip# 7: Healthy body, healthy mind. Be more mindful of what sorts of food you’re putting into your body. While eating, make sure to savor and enjoy every bite. Personally, I’ve been eating more immune boosting foods and doing yoga to keep my mind, body and spirit up!

Tip #8Take time for yourself. Use the free time you to have to do the things you’ve been wanting to do. Look inward, rest and rejuvenate. Indulge in guilty pleasures from time to time.

Tip #9: Feel all of your emotions fully and completely. Do not deny all the emotions and feelings you’re currently experiencing. There have been many times where I found myself triggered to point where I’m crying. Rather judge myself for not being able to keep it together, I give myself grace. Likewise, if you’re struggling with serious mental health issues, speak to a licensed therapist. There is no shame in asking for help.

Tip #10: Find new ways to relax and unwind. I discovered recently I love rain ASMR videos on YouTube, especially the ones in a library with the fire crackling. The smell of lavender, right before bed, puts me in peaceful state and makes it easier for me to fall asleep.
