PenniZ is the CEO and Founder of Penni wiZe Empowerment Network, LLC and The PenniZ Show
1. Tell us your success journey through real estate investing?
I started off 18+ years ago in the world of real estate investing in fix and flips. Over the years and many flips later I have experience in land-lording, property management, commercial and residential building and private money lending. In creating this lifestyle for myself I have learned over the years, that it isn’t always easy to be a business owner/entrepreneur and through the ups and downs of the market, I have learned to be flexible, keep a positive mindset, always keep learning, growing and connecting. Most importantly when you get knocked down, brush yourself off, get back up and keep moving forward!
Over the last several years I have pivoted my career into what is called “private money lending” which is lending money to real estate investors. It has changed my life. As a real estate investor you get to choose a lifestyle which can offer flexibility of time, schedule, geography and more. So I have a life vision, which empowers me with a “voice and a choice” in my financial freedom. From there I wanted to empower others with the same opportunity, I have created a training company called Penni wiZe Empowerment Network, LLC, we help empower our clients with their financial freedom and teach them how to create cash flow and build wealth, through the fine art of private money lending, through real estate funding.
2. What is your #1 advice you have for a young person who wants to follow your footsteps?
I’ll give you two important pieces of advice:
The first is for personal growth, first and for most, believe in your-self!! Self confidence even when you are feeling less confident is so important to your life mindset.
Second piece of advice, which is critical for your life and business success is to research, find and work with mentors!! I can’t express the importance of this enough to an overall successful life. You may have different mentors for different aspects of life, business, personal, spiritual and that is fantastic. If you don’t have an option to have various mentors at least find one really good one, who will help walk with you in your life journey and training. Find someone(s) who has gone before you with a level of success that is farther down the road then you are today. Find mentors in the area(s) you are interested in and follow them. A mentor once told me you need both the mentor that is in your life that you can talk to, learn from, ask questions of and then there are “long distance” mentors that you follow, watch, read and learn from them from afar. For example, for me people I follow yet haven’t yet met are Oprah Winfrey and Gayle King, to name a few. Those individuals are obviously extremely successful and famous worldwide. Then there are others that I watch and learn from as well, I am constantly working on and improving my: mindset, manifestation, purpose, integrity, happiness, joy, peace, calm and a go-giver mentality. Be careful to pick role models that fit your personality, life vision and integrity style.
3. What do you do for your well-being?
Great question, I start every morning with a mediation routine and prayer time. In addition, several years ago after reading the book from JJ Virgin, The Virgin Diet, I participated in the elimination diet which completely changed my understanding of health and nutrition. I learned about what my body tolerates and doesn’t tolerate and learned that by fueling your body with the right foods, beverages and exercise, you can remove the brain fog that so many of us have because of sugars and other bad food choices. It was an amazing journey for me, in short when I think better and know better I do better. I had pain in my right shoulder and fingers for years, and that pain is completely gone, I don’t have brain fog anymore, I do not take daily prescription medication, and I have more energy and feel younger then I have in years and yes as a fantastic side benefit lost weight. So I highly recommend to read JJ’s book(s) I also have an exercise routine.
Finally, at the end of the day I quiet down with musical mediation while writing down gratitude’s in my journal.

PenniZ will be in Malibu in June, for more information visit:
PenniZ is the CEO and Founder of Penni wiZe Empowerment Network, LLC and The PenniZ Show, a weekly podcast focused on empowerment. Our mission is to help a million lives — by empowering our clients to have a voice and choice in their financial freedom.
Let’s begin with a personal journey, you see PenniZ has been a real estate investor for over 18 years and it all started with a box. Yes a box that was delivered to her via the mail. She had watched an infomercial on how to flip houses; and thought “I could do this”. She wasn’t experienced in flipping; she didn’t know how to buy an investment property, hadn’t “fixed” a house before, didn’t know how to hire and manage subs and was not connected with a realtor or have her license. Yet she started out on her flipping career anyway determined she could make this successful. The one thing she knew she needed was money to buy her first house. She found that through a Private Money Lender. Once PenniZ bought her first flip, fixed it up, sold it and made about $15k on the sale, she was hooked.
PenniZ continued her fix n flip business in addition to expanding into commercial, new home sales, land-lording and Private Money Lending. The one thing she wished she had done differently was to work with a mentor sooner.
3 years ago she found herself in a situational fog. It was all she could do to wake up in the morning, take care of her two fur babies, take care of the have to’s and go back to bed. Through working with a mentor and a daily routine, PenniZ took back her power, her self-confidence and transforming her life. From that experience she discovered her life purpose was to empower people!! Which is why she’s passionate about sharing her training and mentoring program with you. This opportunity to learn a very effective way to create cash flow and build wealth is powerful — it’s called Private Money Lending. If you recall, it’s what she used to buy her first flip and others.
PenniZ trains her clients to minimize the rollercoaster ride that so many have experienced in our lives around finances. She believes that personal, professional and financial stability go hand in hand. “These areas, affect our quality of life and when we are grounded in our life and have a life vision we can make better and wiser financial choices. When we think better and know better we do better.”
PenniZ company Penni wiZe Empowerment Network, LLC — empowers our clients to have a voice and a choice in their financial freedom.
Her presentation on “To Reach a Million, Start with a Penni” teaches attendees about The Fine Art of Private Money Lending(PML). You will learn what PML is, how you can create cash flow and build wealth easier and quicker than traditional investing. You will learn how to produce passive income which offers a higher rate of return and you don’t own a single property. Interested? Intrigued? Who do you know that PenniZ and the Zteam at Penni wiZe Empowerment Network, LLC can help create their financial freedom?
For the Private Money Lending training and mentor program(s) and/or to book PenniZ as a speaker for an event, meeting, conference:
Contact Penni wiZe Empowerment Network at, or email [email protected].
Penni Zelinkoff (PenniZ) CEO and Founder
Penni wiZe Empowerment Network, LLC
The PenniZ Show