To the momma who is going thru tough times right now, you are stronger than u think

To the mom who isn’t able to carry her baby, rock her baby, play with her baby, this will pass.

To the mom who has to pick every step, plan every activity for what ‘her body’ can handle, you are stronger than u think

To the mom who has to sit back and watch her kids play, to the mom who can no longer go down the slide, I feel you.

To the mom who crys when no one is looking, I am here for you.

To the mom who feels that friends have turned their backs to you, to the mom who’s friends have moved on with their on life, to the mom who feels alome, I am here for you.

To the mom, wife who feels she’s not worthy, you are more worthy than you’ll ever know.

To the mom who feels like your failing at life, you are more powerful than you think.

To the mom who is struggling know that this too shall pass.

To the mom who feels her whole life has changed remember that change can be good even if you can’t feel the good in it now.

To the mom who has had to give up too many things in your everyday life, know that one day you’ll have your life back.

One day you’ll run again, play again, laugh again, hang with friends again, work again, walk again, just be again.

To the mom Just hoping to carry her kids again before the grow up., I feel you.

To the mom who wants to cry when you open your eyes, know I am listening, I feel you.

To the mom who is stuck with or without the “pill” You can break free. I am here

To the mom whose heart feels totally shattered, broken, and torn apart

To all the moms going through tough times right now know that I am here for you, I feel you, I cry with you, and one day we will laugh together. Know that this too shall pass little mama. Know that you will be you again but the greater of you. You will live again you will do again you will feel again and you will be you again.

Broken mommy