When I started working way back in early 1991 I was fortunate to have a boss who sincerely believed in operating in the ethical manner.
Like all things good which should stay with us, What I learnt from my first boss remained ingrained in my mind.I have had my own difficulties while trying to adjust to the “nature and type” of ethical practices of various organizations I have been part of, but by and large I have been lucky that I have always been part of only fair players.
Despite all the odds and other negativity, still you could find many leaders adhering to the ethical standards.
If a qualified professional doesn’t behave ethically then all that he/she does has little meaning.
“Wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it,Right is right even if no one is doing it”..How true!..
So what is important ?..
Resilience to follow own conscience… Because the ethical principles are basic rules of decision making, not just factors to consider!.
So what makes them click in their business despite the fact that being ethical is not an easy path forward?
First and foremost everything that is good is bound to have a good impact on everything around it sooner or later!..
Ethics is just not an idea it is an action concept.
So ideally! everyone should make it a habit to stick to ethical principles. Whenever you chose to take this positive path, in the initial stages you might find it a bit difficult (may be), but in the long run only the truth prevails.
By being ethical it gives you a better chance to align which similar such entities that confirms to such values and beliefs .This is probably the best part of it .
Being able to identify with others on the same wavelength wanting to have similar standards could bring in a lot of camaraderie and mutually beneficial associations .
By putting ethics on top of the agenda, distinction between Right and Wrong is a natural choice for the day to day operations and never a struggle!.
When faced with an ethical dilemma every leader should introspect on?………..
…”To whom do I owe a duty and what duty do I owe them?”..To answer these questions, they should use reasons to identify the higher principles they should live and act……
Last but not the least it always pays to be good in whatever you do so that more than whatever you would have (probably) gained in the short term by doing something not acceptable would far outweigh the trust and value the ethical practices would bring in on a long term basis.
And the #bestadvice?
Never take any action that will interfere with the right of others for self development and self fulfillment.That is why an added measure of accountability should be placed on globally,influential persons, organizations, agencies,institutions and governments!…
Thanks for reading!
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