Today l cried…
I sobbed…
I cried because l realized l am not living my best life.
Not by anyone else’s count or level … but by my own. I am not living my best life. I feel it in my gut – its at the very core of me – that feeling that l can Do More, l can Be More, l can Touch More Lives, l can Show More Love, l can Be More Patient, l can Give More Time.
My heart felt broken…and l cried because l feel all these things and its not like l’m trying. I am really trying.
After l wiped those tears… I went on to write myself an apology letter in my journal – here’s a few lines l wrote to myself:
Dear Kimberly,
I am sorry you are not living your best life.
l am sorry you have not connected with enough people to make the impact that you want to make.
l am sorry that you have not touched more lives.
And l am sorry that at times you feel alone and discouraged on this journey.
I wrote those words and moaned some more.
I gave myself this time to moan, for the Time Already Passed, the Opportunities Missed and the Difference l could be Making if could just FIND and AMPLIFY MY VOICE.
I share this to be clear – l am nowhere near the life l want to be living.
However, l believe my journey can inspire others.
I went on to ask myself what does “my best life look like?” For if l don’t have it clearly written down; l fear l won’t recognise it when its here.
My best life would be:
Waking up feeling fulfilled and secure in running my profitable businesses
Time freedom so l can get more involved, help more, listen more and inspire others
Financial freedom to not only help and support the people l love but to truly change the lives of those l am yet to meet.
And of-course Lifestyle freedom so l am able to do what l want, when l want.
But how do l get there?
I meditated and quieted my mind so l could listen and remember the 5 lessons that have brought me this far:
- Your inner voice is your best and most trusted friend. You spend more time with your inner self than anyone else. Your inner voice is always there – it’s that gut feeling you get, that impulse action or answer that you may not share, that little voice that speaks to you each time you prepare for or take a new step and it’s that same voice that sinks to the pit your stomach, links to your gut, links to your smile and like today, straight to the eyes for my tears. You always feel it, pay attention to it more and live in harmony with yourself. Do 2 things – (1) Listen to your voice more and (2) Be kind to yourself. Understand that you can only try your best – and progress takes time.
- Build confidence by guarding your heart and your mind – you really are what you eat or in this case you are what you consume. Take heed of the people around you and the information you consume so that they are motivating you, uplifting your spirit and providing confidence instead of anchoring you down.
- Discover the power of a network – honestly this is one of my biggest beliefs. People need people… and people need to feel valued and connected. If you take anything else away; realize 2 things here (1) if you want to get to the next level, you need to grow your network – invest time in connecting with others and helping where you can and l promise it all comes back you. (2) surround yourself with people who see you as the person you are trying to become not the person you where or even who you are today. Surround yourself with people who are motivated, positive and empowering. And more importantly, be that light to others too.
- Procrastination kills dreams – How many times have you heard people say they had no idea what they were doing… they just kept moving. Keep jumping and the net will always appear – there are no failures only success and reroutes. You will never have ALL the right ducks in a row, but you WILL figure it out as you go. Allow yourself to move, build momentum and don’t loose it.
- Keep A Journal – My friend Honor bought me a journal 2 years ago and l remember thinking this is such a teenage thing to do (keeping a diary). But it has helped me in 2 ways. (1) It really is my digital detox – l dump everything there! What l ’m thinking and feeling and what’s happened. Honestly, it helps me let go and sleep better. (2) It allows me to look back – life is not static we’ve all had good days and bad days. So, no matter what l ‘m facing my journal reminds me that better days are possible because they are there in black white, l have lived them, and l have recorded them – they will come again. Above all my journal reminds me of my strength and my resilience when l feel doubt that l can truly reach my goals.
So today l cried because l needed to reflect; I needed to plan, and l needed to get through to you… Listen to your inner voice and live in harmony with yourself; guard your heart and your mind; grow your network; act now and write it down.
Go forth and do great things. You are phenomenal!
Kimberly Simon is a national award-winning serial entrepreneur making waves in Canada in using technology for quality partnerships and connection through her 2 businesses and dedicated philanthropy. She faced and overcame adversity at a young age; she has lived around the world via a suitcase and believes in the power of connecting and building a network. Through fortitude, grit, dedication and persevering determination, she has become one of Canada’s rising most inspiring entrepreneurs.