Todd Stottlemyre is humble, kind and respectful. You can hear it in his voice when you listen to him in his videos he posts in social media and I could really hear it clearly today when I chatted with him on The Best Ever You Show.
I love lessons in courage and faith, especially when those weave together into better self-confidence. Today I feel more self-confident and Todd Stottlemyre is one of the reasons. You see, a few weeks ago, I randomly found him on LinkedIn. I recognized him from his last name & baseball and I thought, “Oh cool, I love baseball.” At that moment, I wasn’t fully aware of all the accomplishments he had in addition to baseball…..
Then I went to his Instagram & website and everything to me, felt aligned. His website and Instagram posts were all my language of being your best, authoring books, family, baseball, husband and more. Then using my questionable math skills, I put 2+2 together and thought, “I wonder if he would even remotely consider being a guest on my podcast.”
This led to me typing and erasing no less than 5 or 6 or 10 (It was 10, I confess.) drafts of an email trying to figure out what to say exactly to him to invite him on my radio show. Turns out I didn’t send any of them. I waited.
Turns out I wrote something like, “I would absolutely love to have you as a guest on my podcast.” and he said, “Let’s make it happen.”
And so, Todd was a guest on my show today and I loved all 60+ minutes of his wisdom, stories, listening skills and above all he is kind. Humble too. He’s the type of person who lifts you up. He believes in you and the power of us.

He shared on the show that after his baseball career, he had a career in finance building an asset management business at a high-profile Wall Street firm.
And now he is the author of two books. His latest book is The Observer: A Modern Fable on Mastering Your Thoughts & Emotions. The book has so much truth and wisdom. The Observer is a classic for discovering the peak performer within yourself. This timeless story of success principles is more important today than it has ever been before as uncertainty lurks right around the corner.
I just cherished these moments on my radio show today. I appreciated Todd’s heart, truths and energy. I believe our dads would both be very proud of us today and every day.
Todd lives in Phoenix, Arizona with his wife Erica and their five beautiful children.
Todd’s new book, The Observer, is available wherever books are sold.

Visit for more information.