… I know that some people may disagree, and I am not an expert on how to live a fulfilling life, but to me, there is nothing more important than your health — not your job, money, success (whatever that means), family, friends, religious practice, politics, nothing. That is the hard truth.
Placing your health above all else means real sacrifices and directed effort. You need to plan (or at least have a strategy for) your diet and exercise, track your activity, get adequate sleep, and do this consistently. External circumstances do not matter; you will likely need to say “no” to things to accomplish these goals. My fiancée is an absolute savage about this. If we go to bed late, we will not wake up early, even if we want to. She is the boss, and I will probably live longer because she is at the wheel.
Also, spend time around children, animals, and old people. They make life worth living.
The term Blue Zones has been used to describe places where people live long and healthy lives. What exactly does it take to live a long and healthy life? What is the science and the secret behind longevity and life extension? In this series, we are talking to medical experts, wellness experts, and longevity experts to share “5 Things You Need To Live A Long, Healthy, & Happy Life”. As a part of this series, I had the distinct pleasure of interviewing Tom Oddo.
Tom Oddo is a Doctor of Chiropractic, Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, and Certified Ergonomics Assessment Specialist in New York City. He owns and operates a rehabilitation practice in Midtown Manhattan. He and his team also perform house calls and on-site corporate treatment for patients in the greater NYC area. Throughout his career, Dr. Oddo has treated patients in their homes, offices, hotels, television sets, and backstage at Madison Square Garden and Radio City Music Hall. Dr. Oddo also gives workstation ergonomics lectures online. Dr. Oddo conducted his undergraduate studies at Wesleyan University. He earned a Bachelor of Arts with honors and was captain of the 2012 New England Wrestling Association Champion wrestling team. He earned his Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) Magna Cum Laude from New York Chiropractic College, where he was a member of the Phi Chi Omega Honors Society and worked as a teaching assistant and tutor. Dr. Oddo’s postgraduate education includes seminars in joint mobilizations, musculoskeletal taping, soft tissue manipulation, rehabilitative exercise, diagnostic ultrasound, gait analysis and correction, ergonomics assessment, manipulation under anesthesia, and principles of loaded movement.
Thank you so much for joining us! Our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you tell us a bit about your ‘backstory’?
My name is Tom Oddo. I am a chiropractor, strength coach, lecturer, and ergonomics specialist. I practice in New York City. For the last three years, I have been working on a book about how to live a healthier life from a physical health perspective. I am a former collegiate wrestler, health, history, and philosophy nerd, a big fan of lifting weights and reading, and a lover of teaching people surprising and uncommon truths. I am not very good at selling my skillset because I believe there is always more to learn. My “always pushing for more” attitude makes me a student for life. I try to be as honest as possible about the limits of my knowledge.
In addition to my brick-and-mortar private practice in New York City, I treat patients in their homes, company offices, hotels, television sets, and backstage at live music venues. I have given over 100 online lectures about workstations, sleep, and driving ergonomics to companies worldwide. Within my profession, I teach continuing education courses about ergonomics and health maintenance to other chiropractors.
Can you share with us the most interesting story from your career? Can you tell us what lessons or ‘takeaways’ you learned from that?
The most interesting story from my career isn’t a story; it is a trend I see in many of my patients. It is the reason that I decided to moonlight in writing a book about body maintenance.
I often see patients and think, “If I had the opportunity to teach you how to take care of yourself a few years ago, you would not be in my office right now.” The more chronic musculoskeletal pain I see, the more I realize that physical health is a skill that needs to be learned and honed, not an abstract thing you “have” or “don’t have.” It takes effort to be healthy but moving well (and often) and having great posture are accessible to everyone.
According to a 2009 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report, chronic conditions account for seventy-five cents of every dollar spent in the United States healthcare system. The CDC identified four modifiable health risk behaviors associated with chronic diseases: lack of physical activity, poor nutrition, tobacco use, and excessive alcohol consumption. In 2005, the World Health Organization estimated that if we eliminated these risk factors, at least 80% of all heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes and more than 40% of cancer would be prevented. In addition, preventable musculoskeletal disorders like back pain and arthritis are the number one cause of disability worldwide. If we intend to “live long and prosper” (which is probably everyone’s goal in life), we need to address these issues.
As people live longer, the healthcare system faces new challenges, many that it is not ready to solve. Aging problems are multifactorial, and no single set of pills, surgeries, or special hospitals will mitigate them. We need comprehensive, preventative education that helps people to take control of their health in meaningful ways. We must prepare people to grapple with the inevitable disease and decrepitude that age will bring. Longevity, too, should be treated as a skill. My goal is to provide a system to train people to stave off suffering from preventable problems for as long as possible.
None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful for who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?
I stand on the shoulders of many giants; I don’t know that I can pick one person in particular. I admire the work of Kelly Starrett, Craig Liebenson, Peter Attia, James Levine, Vybarr Cregan-Reid, Gary Ward, Stuart McGill, Chris Duffin, Gray Cook, and many others. Their work, writings, videos, and courses have shaped my approach to musculoskeletal healthcare and (this is Peter Attia’s term) orthopedic longevity.
Very early in my graduate school experience, I attended an extracurricular club meeting (it was called the Rehab 2 Performance Club). One of the older students pulled a few of my classmates and me aside to say, “the program here [referring to the doctoral classes] only teaches you how to be ‘competent.’ How ‘not to hurt anyone.’ If you want to be good, you must do extra work outside of class to learn how to help people.” That conversation made it clear that we needed to seek and hone our skills in rehabilitation, physical medicine techniques, kinesiology, etc., outside the program. Many of my peers and I banded together to attend post-doctoral chiropractic and physical therapy continuing education courses throughout our schooling. I believe that this extra work made us all better providers. Many of us continue to attend far more continuing education courses than are necessary to preserve our licensure.
My parents also influenced my drive to become great at something. My teachers, my wrestling coaches, my professors in undergraduate and graduate school, the countless instructors at continuing education seminars, my professional mentors, my peers, my friends, and my business partner; all of these people were integral in getting me to where I am. I am very thankful for their influence.
I am also very grateful for the love and support of my fiancee. She puts up with my often cartoony antics at home and in life. Her unconditional love makes me a better human being.
You are a successful leader. Which three character traits do you think were most instrumental to your success? Can you please share a story or example for each?
II don’t know that these are “character traits” per se. These are the behaviors that help me to continue to seek success on my journey.
“Working hard” feels like a cliche answer to this question, mainly because I know that I am capable of more than I have accomplished thus far. Nonetheless, I do feel that work ethic is critical to success. Being a wrestler certainly contributed to my “you get out what you put in” mentality. Wrestling is a hard-nosed, blue-collar sport where hard work routinely beats talent. I study and practice my craft as hard as I can.
I also do a lot of reading, typically 3 to 5 books per month in various nonfiction categories (many in health maintenance and longevity). My reading is the basis of much of the advice that I give. I believe that most of the vital knowledge in the world can be found in books and honed with dedicated practice.
I practice what I preach. I believe that it is essential for practitioners in health and wellness to *actually do* the things that they recommend to their patients and clients. Practitioners who make recommendations should have a good feel for what their patients’ should expect and what roadblocks or challenges they may encounter. Setting a good example is a great way to give support. Knowing what you are asking for from people is critical to setting realistic goals and improving compliance.
Ok, thank you for all that. Now let’s shift to the main focus of our interview about health and longevity. To begin, can you share with our readers a bit about why you are an authority in the fields of health, wellness, and longevity? In your opinion, what is your unique contribution to the world of wellness?
As a holistic practitioner, I take a bit of an unconventional approach to health, wellness, and longevity. My main concern is providing simple, accessible, and practical things that people can do to voluntarily improve their odds of having a long and healthy life. I do not subscribe to the idea that a series of “hacks” or unique behaviors are the key to longevity. This “mad scientist” approach to longevity is too common. I do not believe that any one item (supplement, medication, food, product) or practice (fitness activity, diet, mindfulness routine, particular behavior) is the key to longevity. I believe anyone who tries to convince you that there is one key to longevity is either innocently mistaken or willfully foolish.
My goal is to provide an easily-taught longevity system accessible to anyone. As far as I can tell, I do not have anything “unique” to offer. My contribution to the wellness world is merely the compilation and curation of a list of healthy behaviors for longevity. It seems fair to me that this is the case; there are so many health experts, I do not expect to invent a new method for achieving longevity. In addition, there are aphorisms and religious practices dedicated to longevity that are thousands of years old. I am in no position to pretend to be better or wiser than ancient wisdom. Sayings like “everything in excess is opposed to nature” from Hippocrates and “every human being is the author of his [or her] own health or disease” from Buddha predate research-based western medicine by millennia. Socrates said, “No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.” To get Socrates up to speed with the times, I will also extend this requirement to women and children.
I would love for the distribution of information about longevity to be more widespread. In an ideal world, all doctors would teach people techniques for longevity. If we could get our healthcare system and the public to embrace such an idea, we would likely be able to prevent many disabilities and diseases.
According to one of the more trustworthy authorities on longevity, Dr. Peter Attia, in Tim Ferriss’s Tools of Titans, “If you’re over 40 and don’t smoke, there’s about a 70 to 80% chance you’ll die from one of four diseases: heart disease, cerebrovascular disease [stroke], cancer, or neurodegenerative disease [usually Alzheimer’s Dementia].” These are our “longevity killers,” the diseases that steal peoples’ lives too early but are not the result of bad luck (bad luck is responsible for many of the deaths before the age of 40: accidents, homicides, infections, and suicide, etc.). I will add chronic musculoskeletal pain to the list of longevity killers because, although it does not kill you, it kills your longevity. After all, a long, pain-ridden life is arguably as undesirable as an early death (it also increases your risk of premature death). Musculoskeletal disorders are the number one cause of disability worldwide. The goal of the game of life is to play as long and as well as we can.
Seekers throughout history have traveled great distances and embarked on mythical quests in search of the “elixir of life,” a mythical potion said to cure all diseases and give eternal youth. Has your search for health, vitality, and longevity taken you on any interesting paths or journeys? We’d love to hear the story.
I certainly would like to take more mythical quests. Most of my journey takes place between the pages of books and on the lecture circuit. As a young provider with substantial student loans living in a costly city, I must maximize my learning opportunities in ways I can afford. These circumstances also forced me to seek creative and low-cost ways to improve my longevity. I recoil at the idea that longevity can only be achieved by the wealthy (the most common socioeconomic demographic for the “mad scientists” described above).
My journey is one of trial and error, testing compliance, and working to prescribe behaviors that people will actually perform. I care about the practical recommendations that will give us the best chance to find orthopedic longevity. Many suggestions from medical institutions and the ergonomics industry fail to achieve compliance because, from what it seems, creating a system to achieve compliance is still out of our grasp. The solution is not as simple as “tell everyone to eat right and exercise,” we need nuanced answers to this complicated question. During my journey, I interviewed patients, made hypotheses, taught people according to those hypotheses, received feedback, and adjusted my approach.
One of the tricky things about compliance is that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to physical health (or anything, frankly). Not all exercise is good for you (and here, I mean, “you” specifically, not the plural “you all”). Before exercising, you must learn how to treat your body and not hurt yourself. Many exercises and types of exercise put you at risk for injury if you do not have the skill to perform them well. Many people injure themselves running because they do not have the physical capacity or bio-mechanical know-how to run well. In other words, you can’t run for exercise if you suck at running. Running is not bad for your knees; running badly is bad for your knees.
Similarly, deadlifting is not bad for your back; deadlifting badly is bad for your back. I have countless patients whose doctors (without examining their biomechanics, physical hygiene, or physical capacity) told them not to do certain fitness activities. I have patients whose doctor told them not to run, jump, weight lift, etc., because these activities are “bad for their (insert body part, usually knees).” When I hear the statement, “I was told by my doctor to stop running,” I feel bad for the patient because I know they saw a doctor who does not know how to help them. Saying, “don’t do that,” is not a solution. It is a cop-out. The key is to improve the patient’s biomechanics and physical capacity, not arbitrarily ban them from an activity they should be able to do without pain. If your body is functioning well and you have clean biomechanics, you can perform almost any physical activity without discomfort. In the words of Gray Cook in Movement, “Move well, then move often.” Taking care of your body is a skill you must learn as you embark on the journey to maintain orthopedic longevity. We all need more movement in our lives, but we must first know how to move.
When I talk about “more movement” (especially when, as you’ll see below, I recommend 4 hours of movement per day), I do not always mean “exercise.” Of course, exercise is a type of movement. It is a great thing to do when safely performed within one’s capacity, but any activity counts. An excellent study released in February 2022 by the Journal for the American Heart Association found what I consider the “magic (mythical? trying to stay on theme) number” for the amount of daily activity we need for longevity. The study followed women over the age of 72 for eight years. The researchers found that performing at least 4 hours of physical activity per day lowered participants’ risk of major cardiovascular disease by 43%, risk of coronary heart disease by 43%, risk of stroke by 30%, and risk of cardiovascular death by 63%. Perhaps even more important than the number of hours of activity required to enter this decreased risk profile was the discovery of the non-uniformity of the type of activity participants performed. The patients’ activities were categorized not as “exercise” but as “daily life activity.” This new category includes exercise and things we would not traditionally call exercise: washing dishes, dancing, playing with grandchildren, doing housework, gardening, etc. Approaching it from this perspective, the idea that we can perform 4 hours of daily activity is more accessible.
Based on your research or experience, can you please share your “5 Things You Need To Live A Long & Healthy Life”? (Please share a story or an example for each)
There are many good practices for maintaining health and longevity. We can summarize most of these behaviors in the following list:
- Not smoking
- Limiting alcohol consumption
- Maintaining a healthy weight
- Getting proper exercise
- Taking care of our musculoskeletal system
- Getting regular checkups
Some of these are easier said than done, but we can achieve them with directed effort.
I will limit my “5 Things You Need To Live A Long & Healthy Life” to those about which I can speak meaningfully. These items fall into the “getting proper exercise,” “taking care of our musculoskeletal system,” and “maintaining a healthy weight” categories.
- Move your body often, for at least 4 hours per day, every day — As mentioned above, any movement counts. Evolutionary anthropologists suggest that the average human during the Paleolithic Era moved for between 3 and 6 hours per day. Our goal is 4 hours. The activities can be as light and simple as those that we would expect women aged 72 and up to be able to perform (no offense, grandma). I recommend starting with 30 minutes of walking first thing in the morning. This practice is excellent for your health and mood; it is also a nice thing to do with your spouse, kids, or dogs. Then add 15 minutes of walking after every meal (this behavior can help limit spikes in blood sugar that can lead to diabetes). There are your first 75 minutes. Next, pick a physical activity hobby that you enjoy. It can be anything, biking (outdoors or stationary), playing a game/sport, a fitness class, or a mix of things you will not dread frequently doing. Compliance is always more important than duration. Doing something you love for a short time every day is better than doing something you hate for a long time once or twice before quitting. Plan for 30–90 minutes of your chosen activity each day. Add up all of the time and subtract from 240 minutes. Then build other activities into your day to get to 4 hours. Take the office stairs or forego your car when heading to the grocery store. Sometimes it means doing a 2-a-day workout, maybe even a 3-a-day. The activities need not be challenging; they need to be done. I know that you don’t think you have time, but you do. You must prioritize this activity — nothing else matters if you don’t have your health.
- Maintain your balance and strength — One of the best activities to use as a 2-a-day is a short strength or balance workout, especially if you have a few fitness implements at home. Fitness implements are not perfectly necessary; there are tons of effective calisthenics for this purpose. Spending 20–30 minutes training your strength and balance each day can provide incredible benefits in preventing muscle weakness and balance issues as we age. Being robust never hurts anyone. There is some debate regarding which is “better,” cardiovascular exercise or strength training; this “one or the other” approach discounts the fact that these behaviors complement one another. Both contribute to long-term positive health outcomes. Training both is key. Healthy movement, especially aerobic activity, is critical to heart health, regardless of body weight, race, or gender. For some people, this may require the intervention of a physical therapist or trainer, but a “start where you are” mentality also goes a long way. If there are activities that you can do and you are safe while doing them, do them. If you identify deficiencies, these are great things to discuss with your knowledgeable doctor or therapist (see step 5).
- Use proper ergonomics — One of the most basic rules about physical hygiene is this: putting your joints in the wrong position for a long time will cause pain. Using proper ergonomics means setting up your immediate personal environment (at work, school, home, travel, etc.) so that it does not injure you. The number one rule for setting up any environment (work or otherwise) is to ensure that it fits your body. The simplest way to determine if your environment and equipment are appropriate is to test whether you can maintain a neutral posture relatively easily when interacting with them. Maintaining a neutral posture means a position where your bones and joints are efficiently stacked, so there is no excess load on any tissue. Creating a neutral posture when standing means stacking your head, neck, torso, pelvis, knees, and ankles on top of one another. Once stacked, put your eyes, the bottom of your ribcage, and the top of your pelvis parallel to the ground. Now, you are neutral. This position is also neutral when sitting and lying down. Ergonomics is simply placing the things in your environment in places that do not pull you out of this position. Finding neutral posture is a skill that will help you to decide whether the implements in your environment are appropriate. This skill will help you to know what to buy (or what not to buy) when it comes to ergonomic products. Regardless of the price tag, Ergonomic chairs do not prevent injuries if you sit in a poor position — the same is true for any “ergonomic” product. Equally crucial to orienting your environment to allow you to maintain neutral positions is being realistic about how long you will be able to do so. In addition, installing several 10–20 second “physical breaks” to reset your posture during the day (every 30–90 minutes) will help you to remain closer to neutral during your day. No one, and I mean no one, can stay in a good position all day long. For knowledge workers specifically, I also recommend “body-task matching,” where you perform specific tasks in a standing position and others in a sitting position. The simplest task-match is to complete all audio/visual communication (in-person or virtual) in a standing position (for a full breakdown, check out my book).
- Perform physical self-care — Physical self-care is to physical health, as meditation is to mental health. Physical self-care means spending a few minutes daily focusing on self-massage, stretching, or exercise for your injuries and physical stress areas. If you have back pain, spending 5 to 15 minutes each day doing physical self-care on your back can pay tremendous dividends over time. If you do not currently have pain, give attention to the areas that are under the most stress during your day. If you are a knowledge worker, your mid back, front of your chest, and hip flexors take an absolute beating from computer work during the day; take care of them. If you work in healthcare, your lower back and shoulders are very vulnerable to injury; you should work on them. No matter your industry, think about the body parts that your coworkers complain about and do something to give them some love.
- Seek professional help when necessary — Obviously, if you have a serious health concern or persistent pain, you do not need me to tell you that you should have it checked out. When I say “seek professional help when necessary,” I mean that there are skills involved in the task of longevity that can be taught to you by someone who knows far more than you do. Nobody can be an expert in everything. And although I am a big advocate of the idea that more people should have general knowledge about many topics, expert assistance remains the best way to fix problems. Being healthy is a skill we must hone, and nothing can replace the skill of a master in teaching such skills. Fortunately, many experts provide tons of free information on websites like YouTube; high-quality information is more accessible than ever. Still, there is no replacement for in-person, expert advice in the medical and fitness industries. There are people who can teach you how not to smoke, limit alcohol consumption, maintain a healthy weight, get proper exercise, and take care of your musculoskeletal system. There are people who can give you regular checkups. There are industry experts to can teach you how to run without pain, how to lift weights safely, how to manage your weight without crash diets, and how to care for your body. These are skills. “I don’t know how” is not an excuse. Learn how.
Can you suggest a few things needed to live a life filled with happiness, joy, and meaning?
I know that some people may disagree, and I am not an expert on how to live a fulfilling life, but to me, there is nothing more important than your health — not your job, money, success (whatever that means), family, friends, religious practice, politics, nothing. That is the hard truth.
Placing your health above all else means real sacrifices and directed effort. You need to plan (or at least have a strategy for) your diet and exercise, track your activity, get adequate sleep, and do this consistently. External circumstances do not matter; you will likely need to say “no” to things to accomplish these goals. My fiancée is an absolute savage about this. If we go to bed late, we will not wake up early, even if we want to. She is the boss, and I will probably live longer because she is at the wheel.
Also, spend time around children, animals, and old people. They make life worth living.
Some argue that longevity is genetic, while others say that living a long life is simply a choice. What are your thoughts on this nature vs. nurture debate? Which is more important?
I would argue that up until age 80, your behaviors (summarized above) account for about 80% of your longevity. After 80, genetics seem to play a more significant role. Having long-lived parents and grandparents seems to be a good predictor of making it into your 80s, 90s, and 100s. It is tough to determine if this increased longevity is genetics or if people who live longer tend to have healthy familial habits. Selection biases abound; people who take vitamins tend to be healthier than those who don’t. This discrepancy is likely because taking vitamins indicates that they care more about their health than their non-vitamin-popping peers.
To clarify, I don’t think anyone knows the answer to this question, and my arguments may be wrong. I recall a quote from Dr. Atul Gawande’s book Being Mortal (a great book I strongly recommend) where he said that only about 3% of longevity is hereditary. This data point seems strange; it does not match my personal experience and observation. Dr. Gawande is a legend, and I will defer to him.
Life sometimes takes us on paths that are challenging. How have you managed to bounce back from setbacks in order to cultivate physical, mental, and emotional health?
I will answer this question with some wordplay to emphasize an uncommon piece of musculoskeletal knowledge.
Falling means many things. In the metaphorical sense, it can mean that we have fallen off our game, fallen out of our routine, or lost motivation. These setbacks often happen; it is challenging to navigate life without a fair share of mental and emotional “falls.” I try my best to maintain good habits and routines to allow me to smooth over many of these mishaps. Consistency of effort is imperative to my continued navigation through daunting challenges, like being a business owner during the pandemic and navigating the ever-increasing complexity and ever-decreasing reimbursements of insurance companies. Physical falls, though, are equally daunting but far less frequently discussed. They are severe setbacks for aging patients that do not get enough attention.
Some of the most eye-opening statistics I have heard are about the difficulties associated with physical falls in the aging population. About 30% of people over 65 experience a fall each year. The three main risk factors for falls are poor balance, taking four or more medications, and muscle weakness. Forty percent of people who sustain a fall (usually associated with a hip fracture) end up in a nursing home, and twenty percent never walk again. All three main risk factors for falling are preventable with diligent attention by people and their providers. According to the World Health Organization, falls also increase our risk of early death.
We all fall, but we can prevent some falls. Physical falls are more preventable than metaphorical falls. Follow the steps above that limit the risk factors and stay vertical; it can save your life.
Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Do you have a story about how that was relevant in your life?
The best diet is the one you’ll follow and the best exercise is the one you’ll do. — Stan Efferding
This quote highlights my method for achieving compliance with patients. I do not care what activity you pick, just make sure it is one that you enjoy.
You are a person of enormous influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. 🙂
I would love to start a health accountability group — people who take responsibility for their health and demand the same from their healthcare providers. Many groups are trying to “disrupt” the healthcare industry by changing healthcare delivery or payment methods. They try to beat healthcare giants (insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, hospital lobbies) at their own game. I believe that this is the wrong approach. Health is not a product. We need to stop treating it as such. The question that the healthcare industry is currently asking is: “how are we going to get people to buy more healthcare?” And the question it should be asking is: “how are we going to get people to be healthier?” That is the underlying beauty of the healthcare problem. The solution costs much less than the current system. We all have the capacity to create and maintain health. With the right knowledge, distributed effectively, we can fix the problem from the ground up.
Another interesting thing that I care about: I am of the opinion that “physical activity” should be a vital sign in the healthcare setting (or something analogous in value to our other vital signs like blood pressure). Doctors and patients need to consistently talk about how much physical activity patients are doing, not just through self-reporting. Patients and doctors should be tracking activity levels using all available technology. So many people have smartphones, and the cost of fitness tracker devices is approaching that of a McDonald’s cheeseburger. We can measure physical activity objectively and have meaningful conversations about it in medical clinics. Some healthcare providers may not like this because they believe they are not personal trainers. Tough luck; it needs to happen. We need to do it.
What is the best way for our readers to continue to follow your work online?
I’m one of those basic people who does not have very much social media, I only have LinkedIn — my name Tom Oddo (https://www.linkedin.com/in/tom-oddo-13376461).
My book, which I plan to release before the end of the year, is called False Idols in Healthcare: The Myth of the Standing Desk.
My website is www.cityintegrativerehab.com.
This was very inspiring. Thank you so much for the time you spent on this. We wish you only continued success.