The best medical devices range from a blood glucose meter to a sensor in a pill. Here are the 5 most innovative medical devices in the year 2018.

1. Abbot freestyle Libre

Abbott FreeStyle Free System is a blood glucose monitor that does not require finger calibration. It measures the blood sugar level through a small sensor connected to the back of the user’s arm. The sensor has the size of two overhead rooms and provides real-time measurements for up to 10 days, according to the company. The sensor can also read glucose levels through clothing.

2. Axios stent

The system administration assisted electrocoagulation stent Axios and provide the therapeutic endoscopist safely and accurately to a collection of pancreatic fluid from the gastrointestinal tract for stenting Axios access. The system uses an access catheter activated with caution with Axio’s therapeutic stent for a non-replacement procedure.

3. BrainScope One

The BrainScope One system is a non-invasive and lightweight portable platform that allows doctors to assess head injuries at the point of care.

The device is FDA approved and is based on EEG technology. BrainScope One is non-invasive and painless. It can be used in patients aged 18 to 85 years within three days after a head injury. Goals and interpreting brain activity and neurogenic functions to help doctors diagnose.

4. Vein Finder

Vein Finder is a device that helps health workers to better see their years. They use the reflection of near infrared light to draw a map of the veins. However, early evidence did not show that they increased the success of starting intravenous catheters.

5. Abilify Mycite

Abilify Mycite is a medication with an internal sensor designed to treat a variety of conditions, including schizophrenia, bipolar I disorder and severe depression.

The Abilify MyCite system checks if the medicine is taken. Generally, the revenue can be recognized within 30 minutes. However, a smartphone application or web portal can take up to two hours to determine if the medicine is taken.
