If there’s anything that every employer looks at, it’s your resume. With so much put on your resume, what can you do to make sure your resume is the best it can be? Here is some of the best resume advice to get you the job.

Keep it short

Make sure your resume is only one page. That’s right, one page only! The longer your resume is, the more a potential employer will have to read. And employers don’t like reading. They don’t want to have a hundred different points to consider when thinking about who to hire. They want it laid out nicely right in front of them and they want the applicant’s resume to scream at them, “Hire me! I’m the right person for the job!”

Keep it relevant

If you want your resume to stand out, don’t include every single job you’ve ever had. Don’t include your grades from school, and in many cases if you’ve gone to college, you don’t need to include that you went to high school, it’s implied. But most of all, you want to only include the most relevant skills, work history, and special certifications or extra training you have done that specifically relates to the job you are applying for.

Consider getting professional help

Just because you need a resume doesn’t mean you have to write it yourself. If you feel as though your writing skills just aren’t up to the task, you should consider seeking professional resume help from a resume writing company. Getting help from certified resume writers who know what they’re doing can be just the right investment to make when trying to take your resume up a notch. Of course, there are costs to these services, so be sure to weigh out the pros and cons of these resume help services.

Put yourself in their shoes

Think about yourself as an HR director or employee. Think of yourself as a manager thinking about who you are about to work with for the next six months or five years. Think about yourself as the CEO of a business that wants to make sure they hire the right person. Does your resume really make enough sense for one of these people to hire you or even give you a chance? If not, it might be time to edit your resume to make sure they understand and believe that you are the right person for the job.

Including a short entry about yourself

Besides relevant job skills and work history and education, it’s nice to include little things about yourself, and you can do this in an “about me” section at the top of your resume. You’re not just a worker, you’re a person, and the person hiring you wants to know that they will be able to get along with you. You don’t have to make it into a section that shows all of your hobbies, you’re not looking for a friend. But employers want to make sure they will be able to get along with you, and they want to make sure you are going to fit in with their style of workplace.

Above all, just be human

Sure, you want to make sure all points are covered on your resume. But don’t go overboard with making sure everything is super technical. You are a person, a human, and they know that and want to know more about you. So, show them that you are a human that not only works hard but also is easy to get along with. Follow these tips and you’re sure to be better off and get the job.


  • Sophia Bland

    Human Resources Professional and Certified Resume Writer

    Resume Writing Services

    Sophia is a HR expert who's worked as a recruiter and hiring manger for large corporations. She's also a certified resume writer who's passionate about offering career advise in her spare time. Currently she works at Resume Writing Services as one of their senior resume writers who helps her clients elevate their careers and find their next job.