Who doesn’t want flawless skin? It can be very frustrating to have to deal with dark circles in the morning or have to conceal a zit when you have to go to a party. Yes, you have a skincare routine in place and you also experiment with the hundreds of skincare products that are available in the market. But, it still doesn’t bring you closer to your goal of having beautiful skin. So, what can you do? Here are some of the top dos and don’ts that can help you achieve your goal. You just need to follow these beauty tips consistently to see results:
Always remove your makeup before sleeping
The most important thing you need to do is remove every bit of makeup before you hit the sheets. Your skin really needs to breathe overnight and leaving makeup overnight will just clog the pores that can lead to blackheads or blemishes. You should also exfoliate your skin at least once or twice a week for removing the layers of dead skin. This will leave you with healthier and brighter skin.
Don’t forget sunscreen
Don’t step out of the house without applying sunscreen on your skin. A lifetime of sun exposure can give rise to age spots, wrinkles and other skin issues. Therefore, protecting your skin from the harmful rays of the sun should be your priority. Never skip the sunscreen even if it is cold or cloudy outside. Reflective surfaces can also have an impact on your skin like ice or snow.
You are what you eat
You should be careful of everything you are putting on your plate. Make it a priority to eat fresh fruits, green vegetables and consume sufficient vitamins and proteins. A diet that’s low in sugar and fat and rich in Vitamin C can promote radiant skin. Follow a low-sugar diet as this can keep your insulin levels down and allow your cells to maintain a healthy balance. Avoid eat salt, spicy foods, citrus fruits, fermented foods or fried food. Blander foods like oatmeal, rice and applesauce are a much better choice.
Start sweating it out
Exercising regularly can also make a big difference in your appearance. Jogging, running and yoga can improve your blood circulation and also boost the cleansing process of the body. You will immediately see a glow on your face after doing a workout. If you are short on time, you can simply go for a quick walk in the neighborhood. It is a good idea to skip skincare before and after doing a workout. You can minimize oil production by simply applying toner before you head out. After you are done, you can exfoliate and apply a moisturizer.
Get your beauty sleep
It is recommended that you try and sleep for at least eight hours every night. If you are not getting enough shut eye, your skin will also get tired like you. It will start sagging and you will see bags under your eyes. Thus, it is best not to risk it because getting them is easy, but eliminating them can seem impossible. Before you go to bed, you should always moisturize and wash your skin
Take care of acne
Make it a routine to wash your face thrice a day and massage your face in circular motions gently. Use a toner that contains beta hydroxyl acid or alpha hydroxyl acid. After you are done cleansing, you can dry a skin and then apply a lotion containing benzoyl peroxide as it has antibacterial properties. Never pop any pimples because this will lead to more redness, swelling and even scarring. If you are suffering from heavy acne, try Celluma light therapy as it can prove to be very effective and give you the radiant skin you desire.
Remember the importance of H2O
You need to keep your body and skin hydrated at all times. This means drinking lots of water, which should be at least eight glasses, if not more. You should also consume fruits and vegetables that have a high water content, such as orange, cucumber, cantaloupe, watermelon and grapefruit. Don’t ignore rose water either. While you cannot drink it, you can spritz it on your skin daily. It is very effective in reducing eye puffiness in the morning, maintaining the pH balance and hydrating your skin naturally.
Have a regular skincare regimen
You need to pamper yourself every now and then also maintain a regular skincare regimen. There are a ton of masks you can use for nourishing and hydrating your skin. As long as you are consistent in your skincare routine, you will be able to maintain its natural glow in the long run.
Use these beauty tips and you will have the beautiful and flawless skin you have always wanted.