Nick Silva is a digital entrepreneur, live broadcast host, business coach, and speaker. Silva is the founder of digital media company Funnel Factory and is best known for being an early adopter and pioneer of independently produced and distributed live broadcast shows. In this article he shares a few tips on avoiding burnout, stress and more.

Avoiding Stress & Burnout

Some biggest distress tips Nick has is to not be too hard on yourself, and keeping in mind things are constantly changing and no one is perfect. Nick believes the most important thing is that everyone is growing and learning everyday. He also stated that mental breaks throughout the day are important, as well as going for a quick walk, meditation, and closing your eyes for 2 minutes as a quick break. Nick likes to remember his quote “Life is a marathon, not a sprint” to keep himself steady. 

Nick avoids feeling burnt out by sleeping at least 7 hours a night since he knows a full night’s rest goes a long way. Meditation does amazing things for him, as it really helps him feel at ease. He also believes people need to give themselves time to decompress and clear their mind. 

Success Habits 

Nicks believes organization is key for successful habits like for example, having a routine, keeping a schedule, setting goals with deadlines, making daily to-do lists (he also recommended using the pomodoro method). Nick also recommended working during block time periods, he observed that “Plenty of studies have shown that most successful people work in 50 min block time periods with short breaks.”

Advice to Starters

What keeps Silva motivated is that he is passionate about learning and loves the daily process of personal development. Nick stated that he is aware how easy it is to stay motivated when you love life and enjoy what you are doing.

Advice he has for those who are just starting out is to focus on the progress, not perfection. Another piece of advice he had is “In the beginning dont overthink, overplan, or overcomplicate things and focus on completing actionable tasks and adapting as you go”. Nick lets people know that having ideas and planning is actually easy, the difficult part is implementing those ideas and executing your plan. Nick goes by his quote “Experience is the best teacher so roll your sleeves up and get to work”.


  • Johnny Medina

    Branding Expert-Business Consultant

    Johnny Medina is a young Entrepreneur who interviews successful Entrepreneurs/Business Owners who are willing to share their success tips & have overcome some challenging obstacles.