Andrey Santin is a young artist who started making youtube videos in 2015, he now also does Forex & provides tips for others on how to move in global markets and how to learn more about business and life. 

Biggest distress tips 

One of the biggest distress tips Andrey has for others is to realize and recognize that you are smart, free, and blessed. His next tip was to respect others and you will be respected as well, like the saying “treat others how you want to be treated”.

Avoiding burnout 

Santin avoids a stressful day by going to the gym and start training, he claims it really helps him. Andrey also meditates and drinks 3 liters of water per day to help with stress. 

Successful habits  

Successful habits Andrey has is to focus on yourself and who ever supports you. He also suggests reading books, educating yourself, avoiding negative people, and enjoying life. These will all create a positive influence around your life.


What keeps Andrey motivated is helping others and seeing them happy and proud. He firmly believes that helping each other is the strongest thing in this world. Santin has goals and dreams, he feels that everyone should have goals and dreams. 

Advice to someone starting out 

Advice Andrey would give to someone starting out would be to be yourself, be creative and to not listen to haters. He encourages you to always believe in your dreams.


  • Johnny Medina

    Branding Expert-Business Consultant

    Johnny Medina is a young Entrepreneur who interviews successful Entrepreneurs/Business Owners who are willing to share their success tips & have overcome some challenging obstacles.