How often did you stumble upon a quote on an Instagram post on positivity at the exact moment you were feeling down? You had the impression that the post was meant for you, you told yourself from now on it’s going to be your motto. You double clicked on it and you moved on, forgetting about it 10 minutes later.

Positivity plays a big role in our life. It leads us to a happier one. But to have a positive attitude it takes certainly some training and teaching. Everyone can reach a positive attitude by following these simple steps:

1- Let go and stop worrying

First of all, you should learn to just let go sometimes don’t hold on to the past. Besides worrying is not going to make things better for you, just sit and think of things that make you happy and self-confident.

2- Stop complaining and start acting

Be thankful for the struggles you go through because they make you stronger, wiser and humble. Let them make you, not break you. Living a life consumed by negativity is not only detrimental to your mental health but also to the people around you. 

3- Change your perspective

Stop dwelling on the past. Focus on the good happening in your life, appreciate what you already have. It does not mean that you are not in pain, it does not mean that nothing is wrong. It also does not mean that you are living a blissful life. But what it does mean is that you have your life under control. 

4- Do whatever makes you happy

And get rid of negative vibes, memories, objects. You should also stop surrounding yourself with the people who bring you down and make you feel bad about yourself. 

5- Lend a hand

Start doing good things both for yourself and for other people, help and listen to them. You will quickly come to realize that you are not the only one struggling, in others worlds unity is strength.

Positivity is a word with such power and the path leading to it can be difficult, but it is possible! And if at first you don’t feel like it’s working just “Fake it till you make it”, there is really some truth to that. As Winston Churchill said “Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference”.