I’ve lived in shame of my body.
I’ve lived in shame of my hidden gluttonous urges.
I’ve lived in shame of my memory of insignificant details.
I’ve lived in shame of my shame.
I’ve lived in shame of my talents and gifts.
I’ve lived in shame of not being perfect or not knowing.
I’ve lived in shame of my desire to accumulate wealth.
I’ve lived in shame of having everything I need, and still wanting more.
I’ve lived in shame of being molested.
I’ve lived in shame of my heightened sexual desires.
I’ve lived in shame of abusing and manipulating others for my own benefit.
I’ve lived in shame of my failures.
I’ve lived in shame of my successes.
I’ve lived in shame of “original sin.”
I’ve lived in shame of not having it all figured out.
I’ve lived in shame of being human.
I am still healing and resolving all of the above.
We’re only as sick as the secrets we keep.
Transparency enables integrity.
Integrity is being the same person in the dark and the light, by yourself or in a crowd.
Transparency resolves shame.
And that’s why I share everything.
I desire to live soul-out…
And that requires being ashamed of nothing about who I’ve been, who I am, and whom I am becoming.
I resolve to unapologetically and unconditionally surrender to life.
And there are no keeping secrets from life.