My most memorable trip in 2018 was to Phoenix, Arizona.I was privileged to attend the 2018 US Pain Foundation Conference.It was in June and I had a marvelous time.I live in Alexandria,Va.This was the furthest I ever have traveled on a plane.The flight was 8 hours.The weather was hot.I met many wonderful people.My best part of the trip was the formal ball.I was so glad to put on my nice gown, enjoyed the music and food.This was a trip to remember.I plan on traveling to Cosmel Mexico in 2019.I am excited about traveling to another country..All I can say,I’m happy with traveling pleasures.My travels get sweeter and sweeter.I look forward to the blue water,calm skies and meeting new people.Travel for me is a freedom like none other.I also plan to travel to Dallas Texas.I am a speaker for Lupus Foundation and Arthritis Foundation.

I love to travel and it gives me liberty to travel to places I never been before.



  • Sylvia

    Dr.Sylvia Faircloth

    My name is Sylvia Ann Faircloth. I am from Va.. I am a avid reader and lifetime learner. I have completed higher education. I have taken Distance learning classes from Harvard University and CDU. I live to write and write to live. I am a mother and grandmother. I am a published author, poet. . I am a contributing writer for Mighty, She Knows, Health Union. and other entities.