Being a human being means waking up with a willingness to help yourself and others. It means being grateful that you are healthy, that you do not suffer any physical pain. It means being able to smile at life, at your friends, at events happening to you and around you. And…when you see social injustice and inequalities, trying to address them, with a deep mind and a light heart, so that you can truly make a difference on people’s lives.

The Greek Gods have always fascinated me. Especially Aristotle and Plato, the Greek philosophers, painted by Raffaello in the School of Athens (1509-1511, Renaissance period). Their books and their Greek wise words have always put a philosophical touch into my existence. I think it is a good practice to step out of yourself and look at things objectively. I especially like this one: Through discipline comes freedom – Aristotle

In life you also encounter people, and you either develop crush, infatuation or you think you like them, or you sincerely care for them, you want them to be well – physically and emotionally– , you want to check on them and spend time together to hug, experience new emotions and synchronize on the way forward. As if, inside of you, you would always think: Wow, this person is truly amazing!

Life teaches me that time is a huge indicator of how happenings roll out, and patience is an even bigger contributing factor to unfolding and unravelling the future.
I am learning everyday to be more patient, more careful, more peaceful. It takes time, but I am relying on God’s time and His Plan.

In the meantime, and while waiting, I am enjoying being a Life Observer, and being able to travel, to discover new cultures, new languages, new people, and new ways of living.
While I am a free butterfly, I do hold on to my heart the dancing, singing & swimming parts of Gaia, which define me as a bubbly human being.
Finally, I am learning to embrace Love, Emotions, and to listen to romantic songs – not changing radio channels when they pop up- and to live a more loving life.
Greek gods told me in Greece that, apparently, Love wins always, and it is the essence (and spice) of Life.
A little music playlist for you to enjoy – as mix of good&fun , spiced up with a more conscious&aware way of life
Smooth – Santana
Stop me – Planet Funk
Perfect illusion – Lady Gaga
Pure Shores – All Saints
I know you were waiting for me – Aretha Franklin featuring George Michael
Do not get me wrong – The Pretenders
Into the night – Nickelback featuring Santana