We can try to lose weight, or we can commit to losing weight.
We can try to stop smoking, or we can commit to stop smoking.
We can try to live by our values, or we can commit to living by our values.
We can try to become debt free, or we can commit to becoming debt-free.
We can try to exercise more, or we can commit to exercising more.
We can try to get a new job, or we can commit to getting a new job.
We can try to improve our relationships, or we can commit to improving our relationships.
We can try to stop procrastinating, or we can commit to stop procrastinating.
We can try to manage our stress better, or we can commit to managing our stress better.
We can try to eat healthier, or we can commit to eating healthier.
We can try to take a trip, or we can commit to taking a trip.
We can try to drink less alcohol, or we can commit to drinking less alcohol.
We can try to go back to school, or we can commit to going back to school.
We can try to volunteer, or we can commit to volunteering.
We can try to go to church more often, or we can commit to going to church more often.
We can try to recycle more, or we can commit to recycling more.
We can try to learn something new, or we can commit to learning something new.
We can try to become more organized, or we can commit to becoming more organized.
We can try to lead a more fulfilling life, or we can commit to leading a more fulfilling life.
We can try to step outside our comfort zone, or we can commit to stepping outside our comfort zone.
When you say you will try, you’re already starting the process with a small percentage of self-doubt.
What a great way to self-sabotage.
Instead, start by believing in yourself. Believe in your success.
It’s time to stop trying and start committing.