I enjoy reading.

Professional reading.

Personal reading, novels, and memoirs.

Spiritual reading.

Reading is not the same as studying.

Lately, I’ve been studying a text I’ve read several times. I find it inspiring and challenging…my favorite combo. The decision to read it this time was more a decision to study it. I’ll spend a year or so with it.

I do love studying like this… holding a phrase in mind, mulling it over, challenging it and discovering integration inspiration. Studying like this feels so ALIVE.

It’s this kind of study that inspired the development of the AAIT principles. Principles are meant to be studied, mulled over, questioned and challenged.

Reading commentaries written by students in the FTG is one of my FAVORITE parts of facilitating learning in AAIT. This approach is such a paradigm shift that taking the time to contemplate, study and write about the principles and phases helps participants make the transition with clients with more grace and ease.

Shifting paradigms can disrupt therapeutic and other collaborative relationships. Yet, that’s no reason to keep doing things the way we’ve always done them when there are evolutions in care that better serve our clients…just because it can be disruptive.

Keeping attention on the strength of the collaboration and being able to answer questions and troubleshoot WITH our clients is made easier by study.

A little tilt of the hat to all of you who study!
