Research shows that, ‘‘the more frequently a woman engages in sexual activity, the more often her immune system gets the message that it’s time to reproduce.’’ A team of scientists at the Kinsey Institute for Research on Sex, Gender and Reproduction published a scientific evidence clearly suggesting that regular sex primed a woman’s immune system so that her body was more hospitable to getting and staying pregnant. Another recent study, published in the journal Physiology and Behavior, found similar, yet even more fascinating evidence: lower levels of sperm and fetus antibodies (the kind that would attack the sperm and/or fetus, deeming it as a foreign object) in women who had more frequent sex. Basically, women who have more frequent sex have a greater physiological predisposition to getting pregnant.
Couple that research with the science that indicates that the vaginal and uterine contractions that occur during a woman’s orgasm help move the sperm up faster through the cervix, into the uterus, and fallopian tubes — where the egg passes through after ovulation and fertilization usually occurs — increasing chances of conception when having sex during a woman’s “fertile window.” One study published in the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior, found that when female orgasm occurred a minute or less before male ejaculation, sperm retention was greater. Interestingly, they also found that when a woman’s orgasm happened up to 45 minutes after male ejaculation, she still had higher sperm retention than the non-orgasming females.
I understand that regular, orgasmic sex isn’t always easy to fit into our schedules. But, with the increasing concerns of fertility challenges, my professional advice is to try to have more sex. Ideally, a couple who is trying to conceive (or planning on trying to conceive within the coming 6–12 months) should be having sex 2–3 times per week. With orgasms.
In my clinic, I work with women who are having challenges getting pregnant. And, across the board — ALL of them are not having enough sex. Nor, have they had regular, orgasmic sex in quite some time. As I always say, “babies are made out of love, not honey-I’m-ovulating sex,” and this research supports that notion. If you want to make a baby, have some sexy-time fun on a fairly frequent basis. Not only will your immune system be more primed for pregnancy, but you and your partner will feel even better than you currently do. Sex is supposed to be fun. And, baby making is supposed to be fun too.
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