One thing is for sure about 2020, this has been a year for the books. The pandemic pushed us to not only be extra precautious in terms of health, but to assess other areas of our life. Before quarantine was enforced around the U.S., many Americans were living a non-stop lifestyle filled with hectic schedules. However, #stayathome forced us to take a breather and think about life in general. Unfortunately, COVID-19 had a horrible affect on the U.S. economy and led to massive layoffs throughout the country.
According the Bureau of Labor Statistcs, the unemployment rate skyrocketed to 14.7% in April 2020, making it the highest recorded rate in the history of the data. However, whether you were laid off or simply looking for a career switch, staying at home may have helped you sort out your next career move. With an increased digital presence among users during quarantine, many people tapped into their creative side by using talents and interests to generate an income.
Podcasts are a great example of using your interests and talents to create a platform that can not only entertain or help others, but you money. If that isn’t convincing enough, a recent survey estimates that a whopping 42 million Americans over the age of 12 listen to podcasts on a weekly basis. Also, how people make money podcasting is changing for the better since revenue from podcasting has more than tripled since 2015 rising to an estimated $220 million in 2017.
If you have ever thought about becoming a media influencer or personality, or just simply love podcasts, here are a few tips for jumpstarting your own platform.
Find Your Passion
First thing’s first, you must identify your passion and interest. This will be easier for some more than others. You may have multiple interests and want to combine them, or you may have one interest but want to expand it. For example, the My Favorite Murder hosts, Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark, were comedy writers who had a genuine passion for true crime. They have now built a hit podcast that feautres a comedic delivery of true crime stories, which combines two of their biggest interests.
Create Your Brand
Creating your brand will consist of tasks such as picking a name for your podcast, designing your logo, picking theme music, etc. These things will come together and create a distinct voice for your brand. It will be the first introduction into who you are what your podcast is about.
With that being said, this a very important process to the jumpstart of your podcast. It will play a vital role in the success or failure of your platform.
Buy Your Equipment
The two biggest things you need to start a podcast are a computer and a microphone. However, there are a few more items, that are highly suggested to increase the quality of your podcast. This includes a USB microphone, a mic stand, and headphones, which will all help increase the sound quality.
It is suggested to use a USB microphone because the mic on your computer doesn’t have the same quality. Furthermore use a mic stand to keep the mic in a steady position while you’re recording.
Also, using headphones will help you correct mistakes while your recording because you’ll be able to hear yourself talking. It may sounds a little weird at first, but you’ gete used to it.
Set Your Schedule
Decide the length of your podcast episodes, and which days you want your podcast to air. Do you want to create a daily podcast, weekly podcast, or twice weekly. For example, you may choose a standard 30 minute podcast length for your episodes, and you’ll air on Mondays at 5:00 p.m.
This may take a little research, based on your niche or topic. Maybe a lifestyle/dating podcast does better when airing on the weekend in the evening part of the day. Look into what your audience will generally prefer.
Be Consistent
When you get everything set up, be consistent. This may sounds cliche, but consistency is everything! To successfully build your audience, you will need to start and continue strong. Provide your audience with the content they crave on a consistent basis, so your fanbase stays tuned in.