Dr. Holly-Marie Bolger, an OB/GYN from Springfield, Missouri, has had the privilege of handing thousands of mothers their newborn babies. These days she’s handing them a little something extra after delivery.
Just a few months before the pandemic consumed our lives and our hospitals, Dr. Bolger started sharing a new book with her patients entitled, Hold My Hand, Mama. After a delivery, Dr. Bolger gives a copy of this sweet picture-book to her new moms; it is a fitting gift depicting the circle of life from a child’s first steps to her mother’s last, highlighting the milestones that define motherhood to its tender core.
The gift from Dr. Bolger is especially unique in that the book was written and published by her younger sister, Gabrielle Martin. While it is categorized as a children’s picture-book, it appeals to the hearts of mothers and grandmothers. Gabrielle requested to put a few copies of the book in her sister’s waiting room, and Dr. Bolger took it a step further. She began purchasing the books in bulk so that she could give a personalized copy to each mom she delivers. Bolger comments, “I love giving this book to my patients as a small token of appreciation for their trust and allowing me to be part of their families’ lives.” The gesture has touched the hearts of so many of her patients and their families.
A working mother herself, Gabrielle spent a year writing Hold My Hand, Mama and navigating the self-publishing process. The book reached publication in January, just before the thrust of the COVID-19 pandemic assaulted our country. Consequently, all book-signings and author events were cancelled, including a launch at Barnes & Noble. “Everything else might be on hold, but women don’t stop having babies because the world is in crisis,” Gabrielle said. “I’m just thrilled that my book can bring a little joy to new moms at this time of uncertainty when they need it most.”
Dr. Bolger continues to share Hold My Hand, Mama with her patients. Recently awarded a gold Mom’s Choice Award®, the book is a perfect gift for Mother’s Day, so grab your copy, and a few tissues, before they sell out!