Tyler Espitia is a stocks & options mentor who’s helped dozens of individuals achieve their goals and live the lifestyle they’ve dreamed of having.
In this article, Tyler gives his take on beating stress, achieving success, and reducing burnout.
Staying Calm
As Entrepreneurs, stress is something we face daily; Calls from clients, deadlines to meet, and projects to complete. Sometimes all these can be a little bit overwhelming.
At the start of his entrepreneurial journey, Tyler experienced a lot of stress. He often felt exhausted and couldn’t complete some of the tasks he set out to do.
To curb this feeling, Tyler suggests you delegate your tasks or employ people to do it for you. He also hired an assistant to help with the little tasks such as errands and phone calls. It might seem expensive at first, but in the long run, it will pay off.
Reducing Burnout
A lot of people refer to burnout as stress when they are two completely different things. Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress.
Burnout is a lot more dangerous than average stress and can cause a lot of damage. When burnout hits, Tyler takes a break from work and travels.
He explains that it’s essential to travel at least once a month to places that make you feel happy and comfortable. He says that traveling helps open up his mind when you’re too focused on work; you feel like you’re in prison, And this can cause you to work less.
While you travel, you can visit places like the beach and eat good food to help clear your mind.
Achieving Success
“Depending on what they are, our habits will either make us or break us. We become what we repeatedly do.” ―Sean Covey
Sean Covey was right! And Tyler agrees with this. Every morning, Tyler recommends we complete out non-negotiables first. Non-negotiables are those things we do in the morning that determine how the rest of our day goes.
For Tyler, his Non-negotiables include working out, eating a healthy breakfast, and reviewing his charts and investments.
If you feel you don’t have any non-negotiable, think of an activity you need to do in the morning to get your mind straight. It could be meditation, listening to Lo-Fi music, or taking a glass of water.
Follow these steps, and you’ll be on your way to living the good life.