Comedy is the laughter of the Soul! Laughter heals and makes us feel better.
Pretty simple, yes? Through laughter, jokes, riddles, and others, we become relieved to know that we can release energetic toxins, with chuckles. It feels good afterwards because we know that it is part of that natural power of healing our bodies, on a daily basis.
There are those comedic healers, who make a living from doing that. Make a living from healing the emotions of others, through laughter. One of the legends of such, was none other, than the late. . .Robin Williams.

A few days ago, on August 11, 2019, the world was reminded of one of the heroes and legends of laughter. In many interviews, and on many media outlets, you often saw him trying to get others to feel good. Understanding what life truly meant, and how simple it would be if we just laughed. Finding humor in every akward or uncomfortable situation. He smiled, so often. And, yet, who would have ever known that he was in pain? Who would have known that behind his smile, was a man, struggling in rewarding himself with the same comedic soothing? One that he had so generously and gracefully given to others.
Questions are asked, and after celebrating the life of this comedic phenomenon. . .we ask the question-Why?

We know that the comedic legend took his own life. Yet, why? Does society have a role to play? Is there a possibility for us to blame society for the stigmas, that take place around mental health-dementia, Al Azheimer’s, Lewy body disease, and others. Those attacks against the mind, when we discuss ageism and the journey of ageing. Should we blame the stigmas and unrealistic expectations placed upon men, and faux notions of masculinity? Should we blame the fact that men in high positions are denied access, and the right, to express their emotions, without ridicule, and deemed less than a man? Is it possible that this toxic burden of masculinity is the true reason for why our funny guy took his own life? That our society did not create a space for even funny guys to be vulnerable, and to cry. . .sometimes. And, finally, is it also because we were just too selfish to care? That because Robin Williams made us laugh for so many years, we expected him to do so. He poured into us. And, yet we did not permit him the opportunity to release his own emotional toxins.

They say that suicide is a selfish act. Were we not selfish in being comforted to know that he wore his funny mask, even after the jokes were over. That he wore his funny side, when the cameras were no longer rolling because we expected him to. Not concerned, or being incognisant, that even smiling faces. . .cry sometimes. Jokesters, too, need to be entertained. They need that same energy poured back to them, so that they can experience the healing phenomenon of laughter. And society, has to make those safe spaces for them to do that. High-powered men, and in this case, high powered White American men, need to be vulnerable. They are depicted as the image of power, success, and what everyone should aspire to. Just think how many of them suffer in silence. Wearing the mask of happiness. Wearing the mask of leadership and authority. Wearing everything, but who they really are. Who we really are.
The beauty of it all that we can still laugh, but when it is actually, funny. Or using laughter to feel better from our sorrows; releasing the pains of them. Acknowledging that we need healing. Is that not the true nature of comedy?

So, in those times, when we are entering into the office or work station of our building, how about we try this? Instead of smilling when we enter into the office domain, how about we take that alone time (with our coffee and tea in hand) to cry if we need to? Let our tears purge out all of those painful, emotional toxins. And then after it is over, when that friendly co-worker decides to come and check on you. . .the two of you can have a great laugh!

As we reflect on the legacy and teachings of the late, and great Robin Williams, we are reminded that laughter and comedy is one of the many forms to validate our humanity-in our careers and personal lives.
Validated in that we are in need of something to make us feel better. Laughter is here for us to release emotional burdens of life. It nourishes our humanity because it balances our tears, not cover them. And those funny guys, too, are deserving of such. Just because laughter is their career, doesn’t mean that they are immune in being nourished from it. They can laugh in order to cry!
Rest in the Garden, Mr. Williams!
Now, you have a performing stage, where you can truly laugh from the Soul!