Struggling through the day with attention issues doesn’t only mean forgetting (again) to take the grocery list you worked hard to complete, it’s also about managing to stay focused at work or school, and getting things done efficiently. This often also means feeling the pressure to perform and stressing more, inducing even less attention, and the downward spiral begins.

While it’s been known by the Chinese for thousands of years, energy movements as well as acupuncture took some time to become mainstream in Western cultures. Today, it is scientifically proven that specific movements generate specific responses in our brain.

As I was looking for a non-medicated way to help myself (and my children), I found certain movements that work to reconnect the different parts of the brain so they better communicate, and therefore improve focus.  

For example, when the right and left hemisphere communicate better, body movements and writing are improved. When the back and the front are connected, you improve focus and manage your emotions better.

Well-known Energy Medicine teacher Donna Eden shows many movements on her YouTube channel and Brain Gym founder Paul E. Dennison has written several books on the subject. However, the most efficient movements I have found are taught by Dr Barry Morguelan in his Energy for Success programs.   

By repeating these easy movements, not only have I improved my focus, but I also have more energy throughout the day, and I am more relaxed, able to cope calmly with the constant happenings of life. My children have better grades at school and feel more confident and relaxed when there is an exam. Everyone wins!

It is interesting to note that the more I practice, the quicker my body responds. It’s a fun practice to do with the family and it only takes a few minutes a day, just like brushing your teeth! What are you waiting for?