We are smack in the middle of the most challenging part of the year, the Summer Slowdown! It impacts us all. Between vacations, rooftop decks with bottomless mimosas, the kids being out of school, all the outdoor activities, slow business decision making, Summer Fridays and the pursuit of a sun-kissed glow we all can become easily distracted.
Personally, I love this time of year for kicking my goals up a notch for the same reason I love Fridays. When everyone else takes their foot off the gas, it is the perfect time for me to focus on the activities that drive me closer to achieving my goal.
I encourage you to get out and enjoy all that summer has left to offer, but also set yourself up for success. Here are 3 quick tips to help you use the “F Word” a lot to stay on top of your goals.

- Focus on Impact: Look at where you are currently and ask yourself, “Am I busy or am I impactful?” Pick the one goal that will create the biggest ripple effect for you. Then, sit down with your paper calendar and realistically map out what you can do with your remaining summer schedule. Break it down snackable steps and get to work.
- Find an Accountability Partner: Make a pact with that one friend that will tell you when they don’t like your outfit. The one that will call you on your BS. Work together to stay on track. I recommend standing weekly check-ins calls with action-focused agenda. As a professional butt-kicker, I have an informal board of advisors that I check in with and weekly calls held in my calendar with my account-a-buddy. Can’t find one, go to successbully.com
- Follow the Sun: Use your outdoor adventures as a reward. I would not recommend waiting until the big goal is completed, celebrate those little wins along the way. When you hit a benchmark, do something to treat yourself. Right now, when I finish a writing assignment, there are sunset rooftop cocktails waiting on the other side. When I shut down my big goal, I get a fancy vacay.
While you are enjoying the last bits of summer, I encourage you to use the F Word. Put in the work when others are on vacation mentally and physically, so you can finish the year strong. 2020 is not as far away as it sounds.