“Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself.” – Eleanor Roosevelt.
I recently engaged in a conversation and I really typically try and stay neutral or even stay away from political views, but lately, I have been opinionated and trying to remain positive and gentle!
I made the biggest mistake today ever and never doing again because no matter how you try to make others understand what you are trying to say with your words, they will take your words and twist them to suit their ulterior motives and most of the time I have found it is about them playing the right/wrong game! I had no intention of hurting anybody’s feelings and it is just not my nature especially what I love helping and serving others with is how to help our wellbeing!
I mentioned something from the Bible and I asked the question: “Do people not get it?” 2 Corinthians 4:18 #Faith. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” … To allow the eternal to give us peace requires a measure of effort. It is easy to allow the temporary – the day in and day out – to consume all of our energy and effort.
What did I do this for is all I can ask? I did not mean to be selfless or not caring at all. I said I had all peace at this time and this even made it even worse!
Somebody even asked me did I have science to back that up! lol And I told them where I got it from in the Bible and clearly this still did not make a difference. Clearly, I found myself in the wrong place talking with God only knows what kind of person who believes what is told in the Bible not to be true. Then, I knew it was time to back off and I tried to delete myself from that page, when clearly I did not even know what or why I was there, so it must have been a test?
The Holy Spirit showed me this is what I must get ready for and so I immediately tried to delete what I said and even tried to delete myself from that page or and still don’t know how I got there, to be honest especially when the page clearly was named MoveOn?
I am not perfect, I never will be and only God is, so this is of not my nature and is totally out of my list of priorities and I choose to stay away from people who do not believe in God and I am not here to make others like God, but I was sharing what He has done for me when I mentioned peace which clearly, only comes from Him. I am just really getting closer to Him myself for my own growth reasons. But I find most people when engaging on social media want to make a whose right and wrong battle. While I am not trying to judge I think I best stay away from even right now before I put my foot into my mouth.
Anyway, a mistake I learned from which made it better for the outcome for myself and for those who misunderstood me on social media was to humble myself by simply saying, “bless those who are dealing with depression,” and I should have not even joined in on the conversation especially when the page was titled: MoveOn! lol So I moved on and will stay as far away as possible and have learned from this mistake that I am better than that to sit and dispute over something I don’t even know how I became a part of from the beginning. But nothing is by accident so I learned a great lesson today to keep my mouth shut some of the times!
Once again, I made the mistake of saying I was at peace and since COVID 19, coronavirus, whatever you want to call it, I have had all peace! What did I say this for and was told I was being disrespectful and I got called an idiot who doesn’t care about people who are dealing with depression when clearly anybody knows me knows this is what I enjoy writing about ways of improving our “Wellbeing” and not true at all about me not caring about people. But I sure learned real quick, you have to watch your words because no matter how much you try to explain to people who are not on your page they will never get it!
Now, I am not going to make it my life journey to kiss people’s butts, and I will speak when I believe in something I feel deeply about but perhaps a bit more compassionate, but I just don’t have to deal with debating and turning what I call a blessing to be engaging into a battle at all especially when it is not helping me to grow so, I would have to say this was a time (that I never want to deal with this type of hurting others feelings on purpose or at least being accused of ever again) when a mistake led me to a blessing of growth by just moving on and hanging with people more on my caliber who are on the more positive, growth-minded, understanding, compassionate and intelligent level going places.
Actually, I did not learn from making a mistake, I learned what to do to correct my mistake before it became a bigger mistake! Does that make sense? I guess what I am trying to say God is preparing me, therefore, this taught me what is about to come so I won’t make the same mistake!
#AriannaHuffington, thank you so much for asking us to write about this topic, and I feel like a load has been lifted which truly will help with improving my well-being and hope it helps another with my story~!
Prayer Declaration:
Thank you, Jesus, that You’ve given me everything I need to persevere in life. Thank you for the strength that You’ve given me today to battle anything that comes against me. I will put on the shoes of peace fueled by the Good News so that I am ready for whatever comes my way. No person or situation will be allowed to steal that peace from me. I will walk in forgiveness and grace today, allowing peace to flow in me and through me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Do you declare God’s Word over your life? Friend, this is one of our most powerful weapons!
Moral: Love challenges, be intrigued by mistakes, enjoy the effort, and keep on learning. – Carol Dweck