Have you ever reflected on your life and then all of a sudden experienced an “Aha Moment?” That being a pivotal moment of sudden insight or discovery, that solidifies a decision to set the direction and move forward.
Well that was something I had experienced before I started my entrepreneurial journey. At the time, I was actually having a conversation with my now business partner. We had discussed the importance of values and how they influence who we are and our core beliefs.
What surfaced was that it is essential to align our values of who we say we are to our actual everyday lives.
As we are human, doing this is truly a constant practice we should strive towards (to the very best of our abilities of course).
This is because at the end of the day, the only person we are ever in competition with is becoming the best version of ourselves.
During this conversation, it was further reinforced that we create our own reality and that every decision (or even indecision itself) is a choice that impacts our perceived quality of life.
In the scheme of things, life is what we make of it and to grow and evolve, we need to take risks (which involves going outside our comfort zone) whilst remaining true to our own values.
To create; is to bring something into existence, it is to make, to design, develop and establish.
A career; is a chosen pursuit; an occupation, profession or life calling.
This conversation was such an ‘Aha Moment’ that it allowed me to fully grasp that our values should be in alignment in all facets of our lives, including how we are within business. So with that, together with my business partner, our entrepreneurial journey commenced as we created a company culture that reflected our core values and this actually lay the foundation of how we like to interact, connect and do business with people.
So if you are searching for that next step in your career, or potentially exploring creating your own venture. The best advice I can share is really reflect on your values as a person.
Your values should play an integral role in your career and lay the foundation for the type of organisation you choose to join moving forward or alternatively, be the ethos for your company.
“Great values are built on strong moral foundations. Men [and women] become great when they allow these values to take root within their souls and live by them.”
– Lincoln Patz