One of my favorite quotes was written by Stephen Covey, the author of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. He wrote: “Whenever you think that the problem is out there; that very thought is the problem”.
We all face challenges and obstacles on a regular basis. Let’s face it, that is part of life. Unfortunately, most people when faced with these challenges immediately look for someone or something to blame for the unfortunate events that have befallen them.
Winners in life face similar challenges as well. What separates them from most people is that they don’t blame others for their circumstances. Instead, they accept full responsibility for their lives.
This does not mean that they accept responsibility for the pandemic or the stock market plummeting. What this means is that they accept reality, and they act upon it in a way that is not paralyzing and suffocating.
They are solution finders. They are resilient and relentless optimists. They understand that they can’t control everything that happens to them, but that they certainly have a choice regarding how they choose to deal with the adversity they face in their lives.
Winners do not sit still and become victims. On the contrary, they are victors! They understand that they have a choice, every day, whether they are going to let something or someone take their day from them.
Yes, they will face tragedies and pitfalls like the rest of us. But, they will not spend their time blaming, or wallowing in despair. Victors will pick themselves back up… dust themselves off, and go about living life.
Are You a Victim or a Victor???
Remember… every day is a gift, and the quality of your life is your gift to yourself.