Can you put a price tag on burn-out? I tried.

Maybe due to Shark Tank and Dragon’s Den, even people outside the business world seem to be more comfortable valuing a company than putting a value on their own individual health.

Until 2017, I enjoyed apparent success. Until then I had been an entrepreneur, political advisor and led an outstanding team in global media. Yet, I did all this by neglecting my wellbeing for the sake of my goals.

I went from tiredness to fatigue, and from fatigue to complete burn-out. It took me more than 18 months to recover. 18 months of a COMPLETE STOP.

In this video I share my quick calculations of what this cost me.

A few notes:

– They are my personal costs. Yours may look very different.

– They do not reflect the costs to my businesses at the time: both when I was still active (but underperforming) and after I left.

– I lived in a country with a public health service. In the US, for example, medical expenses would have been much, much higher.

Consider how much burn-out would cost you, both in money terms and in missed opportunities…

It could be a transformational call to action.

My story: