Reading how highly effective and successful people manage their time I always feel a little guilty and stumble about the point that you should get rid of time wasters.
How and what?
I wonder how I can get rid of my time wasters? And what are my time wasters? I am actually able to list them right away but on second thought – do I want to get rid of them? Are they a waste? For me?
What is considered highly effective? My wealth? What is considered wealthy? My productivity? Are my time wasters maybe a reason for my wealth and health? Too many questions. Scientist say that our peak brain performance are two hours top per day.
Money – you need enough to live comfortable. Hard work is normal in hospitality and we all deserve some rest.
I save time – so I can waste it.
I waste my time with some things that I enjoy – I save time on others. I don’t go for medical check ups for example. I should – I hear that all the time. What stops me waiting and spending time in clinics is first of all that I am healthy. Now comes the sentence “ But you don’t know!” Lucky me – I do! Second I have a private health insurances ( that I never used) and if I would go for a check up the Doctor will have to find something. The Pharmaceutical industry needs me and so does the Doctor. He will find something. That’s when I will really start wasting my time and health.
I don’t waste my time and company time on Micromanagement. Many do and get paid very well for this nonsense. I like results and people working should have fun and get results. How and when ? Up to them – I am just the support as a Manager to help them being successful. The Micromanager who insist that his staff sits at their table from 5-9 is proud of his achievement and the staff has to check the clock and after finishing all head-hunter webpages have to surf another round on Facebook before its time to go home.
I think I will stay healthy and waste some more time.