Volunteering overseas is a tale of euphoria and joy. One of the beauties of its artistry is how it connects you with the people of that land. Its more than service. In fact, its a healing ceremony between yourself and another culture. Its a symbolic relationship, and friendship, between yourself, and individuals. Even after the work is done, when it is done right (and with the humanity it is owed), there are sacred memories you will treasure for the rest of your life. Long lasting friendships are made. You are forever connected to that land.
One of the phenomenal aspects of volunteering abroad is that you are learning. Perhaps, you were never aware about the circumstances of a particular community overseas. You may have read about it in the media. You have watched hints about it on television. Yet, the feeling doesn’t become real, until you get there. Frankly speaking, that’s what makes it more sacred.

Volunteering in another country is not only a holistic experience, but it is one that is a healing opportunity for all parties, involved. One begins to feel a balance take place in the existence of humanity. In that temporary moment, hierarchies are eradicated. A silent agreement has been made between two or more distinct cultures, in amplifying beauty within a particular spacing. Volunteering is more than a simple experience of wanting to “help.” For restoration takes place on both ends. With that being said, here are a few tips in how you can amplify your international, volunteer work into the treasure, it deserves.
*Learn About the Culture Of the People
When you enter into another country, you are experiencing a different world. One of those entities is the culture, which has been produced. Culture translates as the arts, language, attire, and whatever creative entities that reside within that nation. When you explore the culture, you get out of the mentality of coming to “help” “the downtrodden.” It rids your mind in wanting to “pity” someone, as you are made aware as to how they have their own methods of creativity. In this sense your mentality is shifted. Thereby, it allows you to focus on the aesthetics and beauty, which has already been created; and already exists. In a terse amount of words, you have come to assists them in amplifying it more.
*Locate Any Hobbies or Arts and Crafts You Would Like To Learn

Perhaps, there is an art activity, that a particular culture is known for. Find a center, or hire a local person of that community. Do more than one, if you desire. While you are giving, allow yourself to learn. Permit yourself to receive, and find comfort in creating something in a foreign land. Plus, you are testing your own limits. How creative can you be? What are you learning about yourself in the process? Allow your volunteer work to be a journey of self discovery.

*Take Up Studying the Foreign Language
One of the most exciting things about going to another country is learning another language. Just ponder on how magical it is for you to learn different words, tones, and structures of a new sound! For one, it reduces any performance of linguistic hierarchy, which is taking place. Secondly, it brings you closer to the people, and community, you are engaging with. Cultural barriers become shattered. Just think about it. You will have another skill under your belt, when you return home. Peaking the interests of those wishing to know more about your exciting journey.
*Form Healthy Relationships With Women and Men Community Leaders

In every nation, there are people who are doing the holistic work of improving their community. Do your research. Ask around. Go out for an exploration into the area on prominent organizations run by the local community. Make healthy relationships, and see what is it that they need. Let them know the skills you can offer and proceed from them. Again, it’s about affirming people in their own culture, and what they can already do for themselves.
*Have A Cultural, Dinner Party

One of the ways that you can connect with the volunteer, host organization is by doing a culinary exhange. Set aside a day where they host you with food from their culture. Then, you can return the favor by preparing traditional dishes from your own. Reward each other with tastes from your own culture, and allow it to enriched your experience.

*Make Volunteering An Adventure
Whoever said that when commiting to international, volunteer work, one is entering into spaces of misery? Make your volunteer work an adventure. Consider it a goal you are doing, and sharing with other people. Enjoy the transportation in getting to your volunteer sites. Laugh and take pictures of the scenery. Immerse yourselves with the local community and population. During break times do fun exercises, and games, in order to enjoy the experience. Tell jokes and discuss wonderful memories with each other.
*Get To Know Your Local, and International, Volunteers

One of the greatest things about volunteering are the friendships and bonds, you make. Get to know the people, who are sharing this journey with you. What are their interests? What are their hobbies? Talk about your family members. What are some of the things they enjoy doing during their free time? You all can spend time talking about your cultures and some of the fascinating things deriving from them.

*Do Fun Things, Outside Of Volunteer Time, With Local and Foreign Volunteers

Being an international volunteer means you can also have fun. Allow members of the country, you are volunteering with, to take you out to exciting places. Go to their local cinemas and restaurants. If they offer you a dinner invitation to their home, by all means, go along. Do not treat this space as a place of misery. Allow existing beauties to give you the joy you wish to experience in a foreign land. Since you are giving your own time and energy in their country, allow them to reward you with all of the fun, for this travel adventure.
*Locate Wellness Traditions and Places

One artistry of travel is healing. It feels good to travel. Within each nation, there are different forms of healing. Seek out these spaces and allow yourself to experience one foreign remedy to living a stress free life. There are different ways of fulfilling this. Spas are great. Even particular traditional arenas, which your hosts have approved, can be wonderful. Since you are giving, you deserve to receive.

Volunteering is a beautiful thing. In fact, it creates a unique lens into how we are able to change our perception of giving. We don’t simply give only to feel we are helping others. Part of giving is to observe how our very lives are intertwined with the wellness of others. By giving of our time, and money, we are providing wellness to ourselves. Our international, volunteer journeys should not stem from a hierarchical approach. In fact, we should come with a mentality of wanting to share, and partake, with the human experience. Do not come to pity. Pitying someone devalues your presence, and travel experience. Come with the energy, and Spirit, of partnership. There is an equal exchange, and collaboration. Both parties are benefiting from this experience. All persons are giving to someone, and they are receiving something back. There is healing coming from all sides. Allow yourself to bring healing; while receiving beauty, love, and restoration, in the process.