Even though almost everyone loves eating, only a handful can spend time in the kitchen cooking.  To them, cooking is a dreadful chore that only takes tolls on their life. But do you know cooking goes a long way in boosting both your physical and mental health? When done consistently, it can be a source of pleasure or stress relief.

At a time when you have to spend long hours at home, you can take this as the perfect opportunity to enjoy the therapeutic benefits that cooking offers. That said, here are some of the ways spending time in the kitchen can improve your mental health.

  • An outlet for Pent-Up Energy

It’s no secret that the kitchen is not a natural haven for everyone. Either way, the more time you spend in your kitchen, the better for your mental health.  With the different activities that take place in the kitchen, you’ll find the perfect outlet for pent-up energy. Just as is the case with sports or exercise, cooking works as an emotion regulation strategy as it provides a physical outlet.

While cooking, a lot of energy goes into performing activities like grinding ingredients in a mortar and pestle or even reorganizing the pantry. By releasing some energy and getting a sense of accomplishment from cooking activities, you will help your mental health.

  • Achieve a Calming Response

The Covid-19 pandemic has made many people feel anxious as the world seems like it’s spinning out of control. Of course, it is normal to feel anxious, but you can easily cope with your current situation.  When cooking, you’re going to develop a more calming effect while also engaging feelings of pleasure.

Whether you are using the best omelette pan to prepare pancakes or any other delicious dish, the smell is enough to bring a feeling of pleasure. Better, cooking is a helpful technique to keep your mind off things that can lead to stress. In short, it is more of self-care keeping you from dwelling on stressful things in your life.

  • Connect with Your Community

Whereas cooking for yourself offers a host of soothing perks, there’s an added benefit when you cook for others. If you’re cooking for your family or friends, you can help fulfill a survival need, and that is vital.  Remember, giving to others fills us in so many ways you could only have imagined.  And even more so, the feeling of fulfillment can be a significant boost to your mental wellbeing.

In Conclusion

Cooking at home is good for your mental health as it combines creativity, mindfulness, and self-care while also giving you a sense of control.  If you don’t feel like cooking, it is better to view it as an activity to nurture yourself rather than a survival need. You can also change your kitchen surrounding and introduce things that make you happy. So why not add cooking to your daily routine and see how it will work wonders on your mental health!
