Ways to Invest in Youth Mark Bryers

The current generation of young professionals has received many labels. Entitled, empowered, spoiled, unfocused, and other unfortunate titles have been placed on the new entrants of the millennial workforce. While it is true that this generation can be deeply misunderstood, it is unfair to attribute such characteristics to the whole population. A better approach is to understand the workforce. The best approach is to make an investment in the youth who will be effectively running the world in just a few years.

Take the Initiative

Employers have gradually accepted the concept of corporate culture. Companies have come to realize that their reputation is created by their workforce. Human Resources personnel work hard to create and maintain an image that attracts valuable employees. Invest in youth by offering internships, grants, and scholarships to college students. Actively recruit young professionals and offer training for specific roles within the company. Opportunities for advancement should be made available based on experience and ability.

Encourage Dialogue

Creating a space for open feedback is crucial for connecting with today’s youth. Give them a forum to provide their thoughts, comments, and concerns about relevant issues. Leadership and management personnel should have processes in place to follow up with these issues in a timely manner. Young people who feel like they are being heard will be more productive in their personal and professional lives. The youth of today require even a simple acknowledgment of their ideas. They want their voice to be heard, but will quickly shut down if they feel patronized or devalued. Encouraging them to speak up and make suggestions is a great way to invest in youth.

Create a Partnership

Investing in youth certainly requires respecting their input, but that is only the first step. Companies must also partner with youth to create products and services that matter. Environmental concerns and global issues are of vital importance to the latest generation of activists. Work toward a common goal that makes a difference to youth in general. Raise corporate awareness, plan projects in the community, and donate to worthy causes. These simple steps will create a lasting partnership with youth. Investing in word and deed helps develop trust between parties, which creates successful partnerships.

Originally published on MarkBryers.io