There were times when I tried to ‘find’ my passion. And on some occasions, I might have told one of you to ‘find’ yours. I was wrong. And I’m sorry.

The thing is, ‘finding’ my passion had been a struggle. I love doing many different things, and learning many different things that I came to love. I love reading, and writing, and making arts. I love cooking, and dancing, and writing tiny proses. I love teaching, and traveling, and taking pictures. Recently, I took up water-colouring, brush-lettering, and knitting.

Am I multi-passionate, or am I confused?

The answer hit me as I was doing #WhatILearned, a 21-Day Challenge to document a single thing I’ve learned about Life, every single day, for 21 days.

Maybe, we don’t find our passion.
Maybe, we are already doing it.

Because we are so passionate about it, despite our busy schedule–still, we do it. 

Because we’re so passionate about it, despite not getting the approval from our loved ones–still, we do it. 

Because we’re so passionate about it, despite being extra tired after two days of working overtime–still, we do it. Because we’re so passionate about it, despite being badly heart-broken–still, we do it.

Maybe passion is not something you’d like to do, nor something you would steal time for, sacrifice your sleep for, or spend money and energy on. Maybe passion is something you have always been doing, every single day, despite all odds.

You’ve stolen some time for it.
You’ve sacrificed your sleep for it.
You’ve spent some money and energy on it.

For me, this means reading and sharing.

I don’t always make time for the rest. 

For the rest, like cooking or traveling, or even writing, I can be too busy, too tired, or too demotivated. I like doing them, but I can find many excuses not to. I enjoy doing them, but sometimes they can be too demanding.

Reading about something and sharing what I have read/learned in many different ways (either through a picture, a conversation, a text, a video, an audio recording, a WhatsApp message)–these are the things I have always done every single day. These are the things I make time for.

What are the things you’ve made time for, despite?
Your passion might have been staring back at you right there all along.

Originally published at