“Never before has a civilization faced such a unilaterally shared problem and had the global connectivity and communication to deal with it together.”

Dr Shefali Tsabary
Dr Shefali says it best in this powerful video above.

You’re practicing social distancing and imposing self isolation upon yourself, not just to protect yourself, but others. Working from home, working out from home, and working on culinary masterpieces too. 

While you may be experiencing this strange time in a silo (and feel somewhat alone), we are truly all experiencing this together. No matter what side of the globe you live on, this is truly a globally unique experience throughout space and time on planet Earth, so let’s take a step back and really put things in perspective.

It’s An Opportunity To Elevate As A Species

Dr. Shefali mentions in her video above a very powerful idea – the fact that what is happening right now is more than just a viral epidemic going around.  It is something much deeper; a symbol of where we are as a species. 

This pandemic has been less about the coronavirus and more about how humanity is reacting to it, and how it is perceiving it.

You see it everywhere as you try to stay updated on the happenings on social media and the news. There is this underlying layer of panic and chaos all around the world. You see it in grocery stores that are out of essentials. You see it in the infamous toilet paper brawls.

This could be your first real opportunity you have had in a while to slow down and reflect, so think about this: In a strange way social distancing has brought a greater sense of community.

The interconnectedness we have right now is unprecedented. We were always aware of the globalization the world has witnessed in the past decade due to technology. But this has also brought us together as a species.

Staying mindful is important, and so is accepting that uncertainty, doubt and panic about the future are all part of life, and frankly, they always were.

The pandemic just highlights it.

This could be an opportunity not to spiral into fear, but instead to step up with hope into a higher global consciousness. An opportunity for our species to rise, to elevate and unify.

You Are Part of A Larger Collective Consciousness

It’s not difficult to imagine that humanity can unify and would take this opportunity that this epidemic presents us with.

One way that we can observe and explain the progress of human civilization is through a concept called ‘The Human Colossus’.

A term originally coined by Tim Urban when he stated “When language came into existence, ideas, experiences and knowledge started to transfer and then accumulate. Hence, the Human Colossus was born – the analogy of a collective organism comprised of billion cells, each represented by a single person.”

So in essence, the human colossus is the concept of collective humanity functioning as a singular entity.

The truth is, in the past 10,000 years, we really haven’t evolved much.  Our world has changed plenty. But we, as a species, haven’t changed. I believe that if we send a modern human baby 10,000 years in the past, they will grow up and learn to hunt, make fire and build structures.

And alternately, a human baby from 10,000 years ago, sent to modern times, would be able to grow up to be a doctor or a lawyer.

Humanity Is Becoming A Unified Colossus.

In fact, I believe that we should awaken to that fact that we are all part of this human colossus and  embrace belonging part of a larger whole.

This would change our entire perception of everything.
Instead of looking at things in a self-centric view, we might start to consider the bigger picture. 

Being aware that you’re part of this larger collective is enough to make you look at your life from a different angle.

And perceiving things from a different angle is power.

It helps you understand that your improvement, and merit, will often be measured against the needs of other people, effectively making you avoid egocentrism, and moving you naturally towards contributing to society.

The Human Colossus, through mechanisms of its own, rewards certain types of behavior, such as when you are passionate about something, when you care and go the extra mile, and when you invest yourself fully, and choose to provide for others.

The colossus will acknowledge this, and will act accordingly, with affection and generosity.

It’s About Everybody Else

This means that when you provide for others – give people what they want, you will have everything you want.

Neale Donald Walsch mentions key ideas based on his book series Conversations with God.

“Your life isn’t about you, it’s about the lives of everyone you touch.”

Neale Donald Walsch

Embracing that aspect of life being about others fits in perfectly with the state of unity we want to move towards as an evolved species.

We need to wake up.

We need to embrace that life isn’t about us. It’s about everyone else.
We want to move towards a state of unity and we want to move towards becoming an evolved species.

With everything happening right now, the real question isn’t about whether you’re going to participate in the process of evolution, but how you will participate.

Because knowingly or unknowingly, consciously or unconsciously, you are participating in the process of evolution. With every thought, decision and action in our lives. So how do you choose to engage and take part in the process of our evolution?

We all crave more love, desire more connection, want more attention, need more abundance. However, the more we have, the more we feel we lack. 

But you can tap into a greater emotion when you give to others.  It’s that emotion that makes you feel whole. Because giving back the world doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice your time, your finances, or your own needs.

On the contrary, the power of giving can uplift you.

We Come Together As One

In times of crisis, we have shown that the human race is full of kindness and reacts with love to selfishness. That the capacity for compassion for one another that we have as a civilized species knows no bounds.

The internet is a big reflection of that. In an unprecedented show of compassion and coming together as on, there has been a surge in online communities, Facebook groups, reddit threads, and social media posts showing the kind of reaction that we, as a collective, are having.

People are committed to acts of kindness. Whether it’s organizing a no-physical-contact swap-meet of supplies, moderating online conversations that help the rapid transfer of information, or the plethora of support groups for parents and for those with a medical history, everyone is showing how they would like to contribute to the evolution of our species.

Neighborhoods have also come together to deliver supplies for those that are isolating, and to assist the elderly in particular, who face a higher health risk. I’ve even noticed something interesting as I leave my home once every two days to buy groceries under a government mandated lockdown:

People in the store are so much nicer to each other. 

The one thing that is for certain – we are starting to understand that the answer lies in our personal responsibility.

It’s not the governments of the world or the hospitals. It’s in what we can collectively and personally do to curb this epidemic and help out. 

#ViralKindess #Unity

Check out these acts of shared kindness happening globally:


For more wisdom and life changing ideas please follow @vishen on Instagram.


  • Vishen Lakhiani is one of today’s most influential minds in the fields of personal growth and human consciousness. He is the founder and CEO of leading personal growth ed-tech company Mindvalley and a New York Times best-selling author. He has an incredible passion and drive to unite humanity and challenge the status quo. More than 12 million people follow his teachings online and share in his goal of transforming education and uniting humanity.