We respond to every call that excites our spirit. For those of us who are zealous, we are constantly faced with the ticking time and fading inspiration. Let’s take a step back and ask: Where did we start?

Often, we feel overwhelmed. We feel like we are responsible for everything happening around us. We take on more than we can hold. We put up a facade to show everyone we are more than okay. But when we’re alone, we doubt ourself. Eventually, we break down and ask ourselves: Why do we have to go through this? What is it all leading up to? Why do we even care?

We are good at avoiding such arresting questions. So, we mentally dissolve into thin air and just keep saying c’est la vie.

We are the type that will reassure others of their goals when they feel down. We stand up for our opinions and ensure that justice prevails. We feel like we need to change this world and save it from all the convoluted chaos. We are the force of nature and we have many burning ambitions.

Adversity has shaped us. Our greatest pains have become our greatest strengths. With the myriad of troubles that we encountered while growing up, we have carefully crafted an invincible bubble around ourselves. We guard our life fiercely and go about it with scandalous grace.

While we may or may not be trapped by dogma, we know our place on this Earth. We sometimes think we want to disappear, but all we really want is to be found. We readily help others and we gently hope for someone to notice that we’d like some help as well. We know that we’re strong, so we don’t stop to notice that we might need help.

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Help doesn’t have to be an intervention or anything too serious. Help could be a comforting few words when we look troubled. Help could be a simple text to ask if we are okay. Help could be an intentional conversation to guide us through our confusion. We’ll figure it out, but it’ll be heart-warming to know that those around us care for us.

You sometimes think you want to disappear, but all you really want is to be found.

Originally published at medium.com