We believe that fashion can be used for wellbeing. There are many ways fashion and creativity can be drivers of a more positive and fulfilling life. Have you ever thought about how to bring joy and smiles to your style?

It is quite simple to imagine that fashion can contribute to your personal joy at least temporarily, but it may take extra efforts generating sustainable happiness and plural/social impact from it.

Let’s start with the moment of awe. That precise moment that challenges our understanding of the world. Usually, we get these moments of awe from other people or experiences, and fashion –just like music- is one of the first responsible for this kind of feelings. New collections, new designs and the whole experience we live through fashion, definitely modifies the way we used to perceive not only the way dressed but also how we wear it. We need to allow new creations to surprise us!

The main predictor of happiness in our society is social interaction, social relationships. Clothes connect us to other people in a very special way. We create relationships with others through the way they dress prior to recognizing who they are. This leads us to internalize that we should not judge but instead allow the way people dress to be a channel of connection, embracing acceptance and diversity as a good start for new relationships.

Smiling is the best way to start a happy time, a happy road. How you dress is going to impact your day so you better begin with a smile, then look at your wardrobe and choose what is perfect for you that day. Remember that when you feel sad or depressed, you might not have the energy to put so much energy to get dressed or to express yourself through your outfit. Wearing a smiley face or a positive message on a t-shirt can do the job for you, and it will definably help you lift your spirit as you also inspire others with this positive wave.

Purpose improves the way we conduct our lives and a driver of happiness. It helps us understand that it is not just about the clothes, but about the meaning, you believe your clothes or style may have. It is not what we do, but why we do it. Do not wear it just because it is fashionable but because you want to make a statement. Choose your outfit acknowledging who made it, the materials, the message, the mission and vision behind it. Try to add some character and meaning to each garment of your wardrobe.

Mindfulness allows us to understand what are we wearing, why are we wearing it, and where does it come from. Next time you go shopping, be mindful of the experience and explore the materials, prints, and colors of each piece that calls your attention. This way you will feel how unique this simple act of shopping can be and how you can enjoy what you buy as a unique piece of art.

Gratitude and Compassion make fashion something that transcends from the runaway to the real world. When part of the revenues of what you buy go to a good cause, or in times of spring cleaning you decide to give away your clothes to the less fortunate, you will be the first to receive the benefits of dopamine and oxytocin that comes from doing good and helping others, improving your mood and willingness to be happy.

Whether you are part of the fashion industry or not, I hope these tips will allow you to walk new roads and lead you to appreciate and positively embrace the way we dress. Let’s wear Happiness!  


  • Giancarlo Molero @gmhappiness

    Happiness Innovator and Marketing expert

    Giancarlo is an Innovator, Marketing expert, Sport and Music lover with over 20 years of experience in different ventures along the Americas and Europe. He is an Economist with a Masters in Marketing and a certificated Happiness Coach from the University of California, Berkeley and The Science of Wellbeing at Yale He is Founder at ToyFeliz.net and Co-Founder the World Happiness Summit and partner at OpcionYo.com. He works as a consultant as part of his purpose of improving and making happier others life one step at a time.