On top of the pandemic, I've lost both of my parents in the last six months. They died of non-COVID related illnesses, but my mom did contract it while she was at an assisted living facility.
It’s been a challenging time, and I feel tested. I’m not sure what the lesson is, but getting through it seems to be the lesson itself. Managing stress, coping with grief, dealing with pain, is all a full-time job these days, but I’m stepping up to my own self-care. With weekly therapy Skype sessions, daily exercise, meditation, downtime and reflection, the emotional load seems bearable, even conquerable. And that gives me hope.
Healing is not a destination for me. It’s a journey and a process. I have setbacks and sad days, but I manage to press on and power through. One day at a time, one hour at a time. To anyone going through something similar, remember what Winston Churchill once said: “If you’re going through hell, keep going.” You might be tested, but it will show you what you’re made of. There is renewal on the other side, and that’s something to feel hopeful about.