There’s no one-way route to success. Success as a word itself is a difficult one to define because everyone’s definition of success is different. It all grinds down to what success means to you.
So… how do you become successful?
As a realist, I want to tell you that there’s not a special formula in place for you to suddenly become successful, it is a process. Everyone needs to go on their own unique journey. It may be a bumpy ride with lot’s of ups and downs but those experiences will help you understand what success means to YOU and guide you in the right direction.
When you realise what success you want to achieve in your life, that’s when things will start to become a lot clearer and you can focus on your direction. That incredible journey that you embark on is the best part about designing your own destiny as it will shape who you are with success being the ultimate reward.
Once you’ve found your sense of direction and where you want to be in 5 years… 10 years… 20 years… from now you can start to manifest it in your life. To give you a helping hand we can have a look at some of the most successful women in the world, who have worked hard to be where they are today and we can learn from their experiences and wealth of knowledge as they know what it takes to have a vision and follow through with it.
Marie Forleo
Marie Forleo is one of my favourite people to go to for motivation. She is strong-minded, successful and humble. Her coaching and speeches have inspired thousands all over the world. But even Marie has said herself, it hasn’t always been easy. Her marriage almost broke down due to her crazy workload and it took her some time to pick herself back up. However, although we may stumble along the way we need to make sure our end vision is clear and we need to keep striving towards it.
But first of all, we need to START…
“The key to SUCCESS is to START before you’re ready.” — Marie Forleo
Everyone has to start somewhere. For those of you who are thinking about starting on a new path. You need to DO IT NOW, time is precious and it is LIMITED. You deserve to live the life of your dreams, so start creating the life that you will love and adore TODAY. Don’t put it off because you think you’re not ready, you’re too scared, you need more experience. NO. You can make it work if you really want to do something with your life. No more excuses – you got this! Remember I’m always on the other side of the phone and I can do a free consultation to help you get started!
Jessica Alba
Jessica Alba is a phenomenal example of a successful career woman with a vision. As well as being a world-famous actor, she is now dubbed as one of the most successful people in America. Jessica says that the secret to her success is to get the right team…
“I think the secret is surrounding yourself with people who are incredibly smart, staying focused on the mission and making sure—regardless the size of your company—is that you have alignment”
Finding yourself the right team who want to see you and your business succeed is a great tip to business success. The people you surround yourself with are usually your biggest influence. This is especially important when you are embarking on a new path as they can be that rock of support.
I believe that you have to put your trust in others for you to get anywhere – so sourcing a one-of-a-kind team is a great place to start. It is also important to keep a great inner circle, as entrepreneurial life can be lonely at times. It’s good to keep up relationships with your inner circle who embrace and support what you are trying to achieve.
Oprah has so many wise words about business success for me to choose just one quote – but this is one of my favourites.
“It is understanding that there is an alignment between who you are and what you do, is what authentic empowerment is.” – Oprah
There needs to be an alignment between who you are and what you do, to be truly successful. As if you love what you do for a living, you will feel content and a sense of fulfilment which Oprah believes is where the real key to success lies.
J.K Rowling
As one of the world’s most prestigious authors, you can not deny the extent of J.K Rowling’s success. In her opinion, she has said that the key to success is to NEVER GIVE UP…
“Do not ever quit out of fear of rejection.” – J.K Rowling
No matter the mountains you have to climb to overcome a struggle or the negative people that pass your way, you need to stay focused, not listen to the naysayers and never give up on your dream! Power through it as you will get there in the end and you will be a stronger person because of all the hurdles you’ve had to overcome! If are confident in your mind and know that you will achieve success then that’s all you need to focus on.
Michelle Obama
Michelle Obama is simply one of the most amazing minds in the spotlight today. As well as having a solid marriage to one of the world’s preeminent leaders, she also has a heart of gold as she is the driving force behind so many worthy philanthropic causes.
“Whether you come from a council estate or a country estate, your success will be determined by your own confidence and fortitude.” – Michelle Obama
This one is important to remember – your background DOES NOT MATTER. If you have the drive to succeed you can do anything you put your mind to. Who you are as a person, and how you carry and value yourself will take you where you need to be!
Originally published at jenniferhardie.me