I often marvel at the way my own intellect and intuition work together. I observe them daily in each moment and in meditative states and what arises for me are the way my ‘feelings’ resonate powerfully by sending messages through my body. Humans are a mix of electro-magnetic forces so it makes sense that these ‘impulses’ exist.

Here the ‘feeling’ state transcends the ‘thinking’ state because the body and its biological functions are engaged and create the necessary hormonal (body) and neurological (mind) connections.

When these biological systems function in alignment the science of homeostasis essentially aligns with the Eastern medicine philosophy of internal balance and harmony. The connection between the two is strong and provides a sound bridge upon which we can begin to bring the two ‘world’s’ together.

As an Energy Medicine Practitioner, everything in my world is explained through the language of energy. My work allows me to channel energy to help rebalance body and mind through various processes and techniques. None of this is seen, however it is felt strongly. Feelings are everything in building awareness and managing wellbeing. Without the fundamental ability to open the heart to our feelings, limitations in all areas of life are inevitable. In Chinese Medicine, the heart is the emperor–ess.

Awareness and potential are huge global topics as they provide the foundations for accessing more creative and intuitive states of being. We are all made up of the same energy and have it flowing to us and through us in every moment. This is our challenge and opportunity, to optimise this energetic flow to allow our potential to express itself through us and create the reality we truly believe we deserve.

The difference in how we access our personal potential comes firstly from the body’s physical and biological functional state and secondly from our ability to command our energy through the machinations of the mind. The body mind connection is where our heart opens to our innate knowing and begins the intuitive flow of our true purpose and passion.

From an Eastern Medicine perspective, the heart leads the mind so a reality created from the heart is a loving compassionate one. The energetics of this then reflect in all areas of our relationship with ourselves and others, business, career, money and ability to live joyfully.

In essence, when we understand how to command our energy and take ownership for every part of us to optimise our potential, life flows congruently. That’s the true meaning of wellbeing, optimal alignment of our functional biological systems that allows awareness of who we are as physical and non-physical energetic beings.

Now all humans are unique, ie we have their own energetic stream creating our unique energetic blueprint that is also connected to everyone else’s energetic stream … universal law of oneness. So what does that mean? Essentially we’re all in this together. The work we do on ourselves has benefits for others and vice versa, good to know!

The process of optimising our physical body wellbeing and gaining greater awareness of our personal field of energy to maintain them is truly the greatest service to humanity. From this place of personal wellbeing in all areas of our lives, we can help others to do the same.

As wellbeing practitioners, that’s our true calling. Be the best we can be for ourselves and share that compassionately with everyone around us.


  • Gina Yallamas

    Urban Shaman and Transformational Life Coach

    ‘Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.’ Lao Tsu Gina works as an Urban Shaman specialising in Quantum Energy Healing and Intuitive Life Coaching. This field of Energy Medicine is all about accessing heart-based frequencies to recalibrate imbalances and optimise energetic frequencies to support self-healing on all levels of body, mind and spirit. After completing a Bachelor of Health Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine, she began navigating energy through Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine. After discovering various other energetic gifts established through many spiritual courses, Reiki and Channelling, she intuitively connected with her own guides and Inner Coach to begin a whole new multi-dimensional education to reveal Quantum and Shamanic healing abilities. Her expertise as an Energy Medicine Practitioner and Life Coach provides deep foundations for personal growth and development. Combining her gifts as an Intuitive Guided Healer, Shaman and Strategic Intervention Life Coach, she helps you navigate your inner terrain by holding a safe space in which acceptance and trust can thrive and allow you to connect back to your intuitive potential. Her passion and mission is to provide healing and coaching for other wellness practitioners and professionals so they can enjoy their journey, embrace their potential and expand into their own gifts through accessing their Inner Coach.