We’re not our thoughts, we’re the one conscious space in all of us that’s giving rise to thoughts.
This calm, universal awareness offers us a refreshing inner place, away from our thinking.
We already know this silent conscious space inside all of us.
We often know what someone’s going to say before they say it, or find ourselves spontaneously finishing their sentences.
Sometimes our conscious awareness seems to blend and merge with other people, particularly people we know well, people we’ve spent time with.
When we share moments of experience with people we care for, it seems as though a single conscious awareness exists inside all of us, a universal conscious space that’s giving rise to thoughts.
We find this one experiencing-space whenever we let go of our thinking, and allow ourselves to just be present with the spacious awareness that remains inside us.
Consciousness in all of us seems to be a single experiencing space.
This universal conscious space inside us, the quiet presence of awareness prior to all thought, can be found when we focus inwardly. An intelligent silence and calming stillness exists inside us, waiting for us to reach inward with our attention.
This quiet presence is consciousness itself and it’s a useful source of insight and inspiration.
When we allow the streaming emergence of our thoughts to dissolve away, we find and know a conscious space, prior to all thought, and we realize intuitive insights more clearly. These intuitive insights and inspirations help us access the transformative power of universal consciousness with its unlimited capacity for change and evolution.
~ If we pause from reading for a moment, we can take the location of our focused attention away from the words on our screen and move it into the inner core of ourself.
~ We can gently hold this focus of attention in the inner core of ourself and allow our thinking to subside.
~ Our attention is now focused in a conscious space which seems to be not only inside us, but everywhere around us.
Whenever we reach inward with our attention, we realize this conscious space and access a stream of intuitive insights that help us live in sync with cosmic intelligence existing throughout the Universe.
This is a realization of the primacy of consciousness, that each one of us is an unlimited cosmic intelligence transforming itself into the living form of a human being for the duration of a human life.
Rather than seeing ourselves as separate and alone, we can begin to see ourselves as one evolving field of consciousness inside all of us, and in all space everywhere.
When we focus our attention in the inner space, we find that our deepest self is the same one self in all of us. The presence of this one self is who we are, before our thoughts arrive to create a ‘separate person’.
A single cosmic field of consciousness is expressing itself as all material form and all experience of that form. As we consciously realize ourselves as expressions of cosmic intelligence, we find a larger sense of what it means to be human.
We also intuitively realize the one cosmic awareness that knows all life everywhere as an expression of itself.
We’re the one cosmic spatial intelligence that joins us.
We’re not our thoughts, we’re the stillness and silence of now, the presence of one conscious space in all of us.
Paul Mulliner is a writer and digital artist
Read more here: https://community.thriveglobal.com/authors/paul-mulliner/
This article was first published here on Medium.com