Jazz remains one of the most popular forms of music in the world. This style can be a great way for you to express your emotions through song or team up with your friends for a fun experience. Before you start your band, there are a few critical pieces of equipment that you’ll need to get. Let’s look at some of those things.


One of the most important aspects of any band will be the type of instruments that you are using. There are a few common instruments that are typically associated with starting a jazz band. First, there will often be a guitar. The bass guitar can help to set the rhythm of the song. A lead guitar can further establish this element. Another common part of the rhythm section is the drums, which can help you control the tempo of the song. You might also want to get a piano. Typically, the piano player will provide support to the horn section, though they can take solos if the time is right.

Once you’ve got the rhythm section sorted, you can turn to the instruments needed for the horn section. These tend to be most commonly associated with jazz. Because of this, you’ll want at least a few horns. Many small bands will have a trumpeter, a trombone player, and a clarinet. However, big bands will typically have five trumpeters, five saxophone players, and five trombone players. This gives the big bands the richer, deeper tones that they have become famous for. The type of horns you choose and the number of players you incorporate will depend on the type of band you want to start.

Because of the importance of the horns section, it’s crucial to spend a little more time finding some excellent instruments. During this time, you need to consider the type of band you want to create. This will give you a better idea of the type of instruments that you need to get. For example, you can use a bb trumpet. This is the most common type and has a wide selection of music written for it, allowing it to be used across multiple genres. However, some people will prefer the bass trumpet, which has a similar pitch to the trombone. In other cases, you will find an e trumpet. This can be tuned to higher notes. If you want some more information on the types of trumpets and tips on finding the right one for you, check out this trumpet for jazz compilation.

Finally, you might want to consider adding some more instruments. While these don’t need to be included to create a jazz band, they can help you stand out, making sure that your songs are unique. There are dozens of options to consider. For example, you might want to get a singer. In other cases, you might want to add a harmonica, banjo, or tuba. While you don’t need to use these instruments on every song, they can help make certain tracks stand out and keep your audience engaged in your song.

Speakers and Amps

Once you’ve got the right equipment, you’ll need to make sure that people will be able to hear them all when you perform. In most cases, this means connecting them to an amplifier and speaker system. Once you’ve got this, you’ll need to get a mixer. This will allow you to control the volume that each instrument is played at. This can help make sure that certain instruments stand out. You’ll be able to adjust this between songs.

Rehearsal Space

Once you’ve got all the equipment, you’ll be able to start gathering your band members together to rehearse. This will allow you to get used to each other’s style of performing. It’s also a great time to start thinking about the type of songs that you will perform together. Finding the right rehearsal space can be difficult. For example, you will need somewhere big enough to accommodate all your band members. When you’re starting, you might be able to practice at someone’s house. If this isn’t suitable, you might want to consider hiring a space. It can be a good idea to contact local schools and churches to see if you can use their hall.

In most cases, you’ll need to practice for around two hours each week. This will ensure that you’re able to blend your musical styles. How long you’ll need to spend rehearsing before you’re ready to play to an audience will vary. If this is a new band with inexperienced members, it might take a few months before you’re ready to perform. If you have some more experienced performers, it might only take a few weeks before you can hit the stage.

Start Performing

Once you’re ready, you can start promoting your jazz band. Performing in public can be a great way to grow your skill, as you learn what audiences like, and what they don’t. However, if you’re a new band, it can be hard to convince venues to book you. There are a few tips that you can use. First, you might want to develop an online presence. You can post your jam sessions or make music videos. Another good tip is hiring a manager who will be able to reach out to venues on your behalf. This will allow you to spend more time focusing on rehearsing and performing your music. Finally, you might find some open mic nights in your local area. These are ideal for new bands, allowing you to get used to performing before an audience.


Starting a jazz band can be a highly rewarding experience. It will allow you to share your love of music with an audience. However, to achieve this dream, you’ll need to get the right equipment. To help you do this, we looked at some of the things you’ll need to start a jazz band. So, use these tips to start your journey into the world of jazz music.
