Life is amusing. Well, it can be, if you let it…

When I was a little girl I dreamed of being a veterinarian, a psychologist, and an attorney. When I got a little older I dreamed of being a DJ, while I sold exotic cars and managed dealerships, did executive coaching, co-owned an art gallery and even a night club in San Francisco. As a curious student of Life by nature, I studied electronic music production, psychology, healthcare, and quantum mechanics. I’ve also had my fair share of playing healer and counselor without “pieces of paper” and am grateful I didn’t end up with those vocations, as I have a lot more freedom as a layperson.

Today, I am considered a politician. It’s not something I ever chose to dream of or imagine. It’s a dream and path that first came to me about 20 years ago, that I’ve learned to joyfully surrender to. I entertained it for a moment, initially… but not too seriously, as I was dealing with imposter syndrome from years of daily abuse beginning in infancy until I ran away from home, days before my 14th birthday.

About a decade ago, Life forced me to take a medical leave. On paper I was peaking. I was 28 years old… I had 6 figures in the bank, I was bringing in 6 figures a year, I partied with celebrities, had all the toys I wanted, been around the world, and was living an overall jet-set lifestyle. I grew up on welfare, food stamps, section 8, and financial aid… so did this mean that I had achieved the “American Dream,” especially since both my parents were immigrants and I was the first in their families to be born in America? Not quite.

My life got to the point that I would get sick as soon as I got into work every day, and then I would come home to an unhealthy relationship that would bring about crying spells, spontaneously. I was miserable and couldn’t find solace anywhere.

I ended up taking professional medical advice and going on disability for a few months, as I was beginning to die from the inside out from the lack of morality and integrity that was encompassing me. I would have qualified for disability for much longer,  had I less pride back then to admit how bad I felt inside about Life, and how it was affecting the quality of my physical life.

I hit a very low point in 2012, after being nearly paralyzed with pain, off and on for a couple of years due to PTSD. I didn’t want to be here anymore, although I would never think about taking any such action. I felt like I had already done everything I’m supposed to do in life and didn’t know why I was here. Around the same time, I started realizing that I had a maladaptive codependent pattern I learned from having an abusive childhood. Fortunately, I also realized my ability to create a different pattern, one that attracts healthy, genuine, and fulfilling relationships… one that led to me realizing that I am more than enough, exactly as I am, for attaining a sense of wholeness no matter what is going on outside of me.

When I began to change my programming and conditioning through education and application, I began to experience more faith in humanity, Life, and myself.  I began to experience more courage and clarity to be able to show up as my most authentic self, realizing that I am here to master and teach Love. By making different choices, I was able to heal myself naturally and sustainably, through what I learned along this journey. I also learned how to help others overcome similar challenges.

As my behavior and quality of life began to shift, I began having “visions” of running for the office President of the United States of America in 2020. It scared me the very first time, as it felt so real; I could hear people chanting “Sorinne 2020”. It gave me chills. I only told one person at the time, as I was not only afraid, but embarrassed that I had such a dream. I don’t think of myself as any more special than any other human being. I believe we are all special… and at the time I believed I was the least qualified person for that position. I didn’t even know 2020 was going to be an election year back then, as I wasn’t that into politics.

As 2020 got closer, I felt more called to apply for this position. It started to make more sense to me why I felt called. People who barely knew me and those who knew me well, would make comments to me… They saw me as POTUS helping make the world a better place by sharing my gifts freely from that position, before I even had the courage to share with them what I had been feeling called to do. Gradually, I opened up to this idea fully, realizing that I have so much to offer our country, as well as our world, especially as POTUS, that perhaps I should consider this move seriously.

2016 was a big year for me… I felt inspired to create my first virtual education program teaching people how to reprogram their bodies and minds to go from surviving to thriving; featuring world famous experts including Bob Proctor, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Dr. Bernie Siegel, Dr. Sue Morter, Dr. John Ratey, and the like. Maria Shriver promoted my work publicly, as well as many other respectable people and pioneers in the various sciences whom I had collaborated with. I did this all from scratch, with little support, and it was a huge success… which affirmed that I was on the right path.

Because of the program I created, Arianna Huffington invited me to become a contributor to the HuffPost. I published my first article just before the 2016 election, where I hinted at preparing for public service and encouraged others to do so too. I was planting seeds, realizing I can’t make the world a better place alone; no one can… I knew I had to inspire kindreds to join me in uniting, healing, and empowering our human family across the country and globe.

In 2018 I was invited to get involved in the criminal justice reform movement. In 2019 I became a board member of a nonprofit that helped pass historical legislation, I got invited to run as a VP candidate on a colleague’s Presidential ticket, and I started meeting with exonerees, prosecutors, senators, and state assembly members. Doors opened without me trying or asking. I didn’t understand why until this year finally arrived.

What led to me finally registering with the Federal Election Committee this January 9th, as a Presidential Candidate, is realizing that America is ready for someone like me to lead by example. I realized that what I had achieved over the past decade is what all human beings aspire to experience and achieve too… yet it’s not what we’re being taught in the media, in our schools, or from our “authority” figures. I also realized that Freedom starts from within and that it’s a great responsibility. I realized I truly had to be the change I wanted to see in the world and that I had to hold myself personally accountable and disciplined if I wanted others to do the same. I realized that by facing my greatest fear head on… for the real me to be known (and misunderstood)… that I would inspire others to do the same. Most importantly, I realized that seeing someone else ahead of you, doing something similar to what you want to do… subconsciously normalizes that behavior and gives you permission and encouragement to do the same.

Ultimately, running for office, being President, is not about me, but about giving back to Life what I have gained from It in order to help the collective evolve in Consciousness. I have felt a sense of wholeness for many years. Sitting back and not playing my part is the only thing that ever comprised that feeling.

It’s been about 5 months since I began my campaign and it has been a very rewarding and educational journey. I have been able to elevate the political conversation through interviews and panels. I have been bringing spiritual and entrepreneurial communities into politics, as my platform is based on Love, Logic, and Liberty for ALL. I have been very well received in political communities and even nicknamed “Healer in Chief” after attending my first state convention. I have made many beautiful new connections, in and out of the party, that also believe the world is ready for a more conscious way of living. I receive messages daily from people who thank me for what I’m doing and ask for ways to help… propelling me to do more.

I feel like I am finally my most authentic self in all places, as I felt like I was hiding all these years and it was destroying me to do so. It hasn’t been easy, and I imagine it won’t be much easier going forward, but this felt like the one thing in my life that I would truly regret not doing. I’m grateful I finally let go of my likes, dislikes, desires, fears, programming, and conditioning (aka ego). I’m not saying that I’m perfect or ever will be, as that’s not possible… but I have committed to continuing to work on developing myself and striving to be and do better. I’ve also recognized how irrational my fears were.

I’m very grateful that I trusted my intuition and took this massive leap of faith, for I know that everything I’m doing now is paving the way for a better future for all tomorrow. I hope that you too will listen to your intuition and surrender to it when it’s pulling you in a direction to serve Life, even if it’s not the direction you think you want to go in. I believe there’s a reason we have different curiosities and strengths, and through exploring them we truly step into living a thriving life and we encourage others to do the same.

If you’d like to learn more about my campaign, please check out where you can access dozens of videos including interviews, debates, and panels I’ve been featured in since beginning this part of the journey. I share a lot more of my story, values, and visions throughout… which I hope will inspire anyone who visits.

Sorinne Ardeleanu – 2020 Presidential Candidate


  • Sorinne Ardeleanu

    2024 Independent Presidential Candidate

    Sorinne is an Independent 2024 Presidential Candidate, author, transformation expert, and civil rights advocate. As a connector of ideas, people, and universal truths... she has a heavy background in various sciences - including psychology, holistic healthcare, quantum mechanics, (meta) physics, and theology. Sorinne is also a state delegate for the Libertarian Party of California and an advisory board member of It Could Happen To You (a nonprofit organization which helped pass historical legislation, forming the country's first commission on prosecutorial conduct in New York State). Previously, Sorinne has been an executive coach, a sales specialist and sales manger in the exotic car world (closing as much as $10 million/year in sales), an art gallery co-founder, and a night club co-owner in San Francisco, CA. Sorinne believes her purpose is to be, give, and receive Love. Her highest aspiration is to improve the quality of life for ALL expressions of Life.