I often hear a lot of nervousness about a new boss or a replacement manager. However, I always like to share my own experiences with my clients to ease their concerns.
It’s easy to get into a rut and become stagnant when there isn’t a change in the workplace. A new boss can help us stay on our toes, keep us working at our best, bring a fresh perspective, and help us form some new habits.
I once had a new manager who I had a lot of trouble getting used to at first. He had his own style of doing things, and wasn’t shy about telling me the things that I needed to improve upon. This made a huge impression on me because I always had female bosses before this, and most of them were not as aggressive.
With this new boss, while I was working more, I was also provided with more support and feedback and grew at a quicker rate than I had in the past.
Looking back, I think he saw something in me at the time that I wasn’t ready to see. At the time, I felt as though that I was being overworked and couldn’t understand “why me.” However, I believe what he was actually doing was testing my limits and trying to bring out the best in me. He had a very different approach than anyone I had previously worked with; no one else had tried honing in on my leadership skills. I wasn’t so sure I had even envisioned myself as one until he took over.
The result of working with him? I became a much better manager and leader. It had a lasting impact on my career and the choices I’ve made since that time.
It can get easy and comfortable to maintain a routine every day and every week, and have the same relationships and status quo in the workplace. But what does this actually do to our careers? We need to be challenged. Change shouldn’t be feared; it should be embraced. While it can be uncomfortable at times, change can also lead you to your best self, to more healthy habits, to an exciting career change, and ultimately, it can help you reach you new heights.
I will be forever grateful for the opportunity that I had with that boss, because I believe it has led me to where I am now and the impact I continue to have on other women and their careers. Don’t let a new manager or change in the workplace scare you – let it help you grow and achieve new heights in your career.
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