To anyone who has ever struggled with feelings of disconnection or of being stuck, the third sacred secret presents itself as a true gift. So many of us may have seen compelling evidence that the world is a cold and uncaring place—and given up hope that there is anything or anyone supporting us when it comes to our hopes and dreams.
But life does not need to feel this way.
When you awaken to this universal intelligence, you experience waves of new ideas as well as the kind of coincidences and synchronicities that make life feel effortless.
Srinivasa Ramanujan was one of India’s greatest mathematicians. Ramanujan often operated in a state of complete openness—and found that complex and intricate mathematical formulas and solutions would be revealed to him from a source of universal intelligence. He would then shift to an ordinary state and work backward to record the proofs for the solutions and formulas that had been revealed to him. Ninety-eight years after his death, his formulas are being used today to understand the behavior of black holes.
You’ll find that whenever you’re able to truly let go of all worry, fear, and obsession and simply ask the universal intelligence for help, it comes in minutes. It reveals itself to your mind as an idea and to your body as healing. To the outside world, it appears as a coincidence or an outright marvelous solution to life’s challenges.
This reminds us of an Indian fable. It seems that all the animals in a small town decided to go for a walk to the jungle. Horses, donkeys, rats, pigs, bats, and cats all joined in.
Suddenly the dog realized that the lizard from the town hall was nowhere to be seen. So he ran to the town hall and asked the lizard, who was lying on the roof, to join the walk.
The lizard responded with a worried look on his face.
“I’m sorry,” he said. “I can’t join the walk, because if I come down, the roof of the town hall I am balancing on my tummy will come crashing down.”
In some ways, when we live in states of fear and worry and desperation, we are like the ignorant lizard. Our fears block us from seeing a larger truth.
In the state of letting go, you connect to the universe and clear your pathway forward.
You may find the answer as an idea that flashes into your mind moments before you slide into sleep or in your dreams. Often you’ll feel a great clarity upon waking up—or a solution emerges in the form of a friend reaching out or a colleague revealing that he knows exactly how to deal with a particular challenge.
Divine-human connection is perhaps the oldest-known relationship. We often talk about celebrating our tenth anniversary, our twenty-fifth anniversary, and so on. Have we missed out on celebrating this ten-thousandth or eighty-thousandth anniversary? The longest-lasting relationship is humanity’s relationship with the universal consciousness.
You find references to this mystic relationship in every land and throughout recorded history, and an alternate reality coming within the grasp of these mystics.
In certain cultures this relationship with the universal consciousness, or the source, is very personal, and in some cultures it is impersonal. This is a timeless relationship as depicted by Michelangelo in the Vatican, of the transcendental reaching out into the mundane everyday consciousness and the mundane aspiring to rise to the transcendental.
Just as nature has endowed the brain with the capacity to see, to hear, to touch, and to feel, we believe nature has also left a window in our brains to experience the universal. When we move into a state of letting go, perhaps certain parts of our brains are getting activated and the experience of universal intelligence is becoming accessible.
Excerpted from The Four Secrets: For Love and Prosperity, A Guide to Living in A Beautiful State by Krisnaji and Preethaji with permission from the authors and publisher.
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