What if
I am able to do, all the things which I want to do
And achieve, all the goals which I am driven towards
My Bank account is full, with all the money I know I deserve
And I spend, on exactly what I want, when I want
You just loved me, the way I want to be loved
And my lover, loves me to the depth of my soul
My friends cared for me, exactly the way I need them to
And I always have someone, to call
I weighed, exactly the weight I want to be
And my body, is in the shape that I like
My career, is a career which caters to my unique talents
And I create a life, which is a manifestation of my internal world
I drive, the car which I always dreamed to drive
And, I get picked up, by a chauffeur driven SUV
I live in the place I choose, the palace which I deserve
And my house, feels as much like home as it can
The answers to my questions, always come easily to me
And everything can be taken, exactly at face value
My family, show up exactly the way I need them to
And I feel the family union inside myself
My days are filled, with fun and sun
And my nights are occupied, with company and relaxing
What if?
What if?
What if?
What if
I choose my life exactly as it is
And be at peace with all