Here are a couple excerpts from “What If You Could? The Mindset & Business Blueprint for Your Life of Purpose”, coming out later this Spring. A breezy, whimsical read packed with tips on how to create your own luck in life and foster a successful mindset, it’s Co-Authored by Cody May and Neil Morton, entrepreneurs and partners at the global marketing agency


Singing, drawing, illustrating, writing, poetry, podcasting, photography, stand-up comedy, filming—your gateway to a global audience is through creativity and self-expression.

Don’t suppress creativity—ever.

It can be nerve-racking to put yourself out there for fear of judgement or being seen as “flighty” but once you let it flow and stop worrying about what your peers think, you will open the doors to success. 

Start now. 


We look at gratitude as a mindset, a perspective, a healthy outlook on life. When you begin every day in a place of gratitude, that mindset begins to shift your attitude. 

We’ve found that the best place to start with gratitude is simply to be thankful for the breath in our lungs. 

As you read this book, we encourage you to stop and take just five minutes to breathe and simply express gratitude and appreciation for life. 

Viktor Frankl, author of Man’s Search for Meaning, said, “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”  

Despite our circumstances, we have the power to choose our attitude. We have a choice to see the glass as half-full or half-empty. Try to focus on what you have rather than on what you don’t have. It’s impossible to live your best life when filled with negativity, cynicism, and angst. 

Make the choice to start with gratitude and express appreciation for life every day. 

To pre-order a signed copy of “What If You Could?” click here.
To join our Mindset & Marketing Secrets Facebook group, go here.


  • Neil Morton

    Marketing Director/Partner

    After graduating from Ryerson’s School of Journalism, Neil enjoyed a successful media, marketing and communications career in Toronto. After nearly 20 years in the big city, Neil and his family returned to Peterborough, his hometown, where he Co-Founded the media company in 2010 (it was acquired in 2021). In 2015, Neil identified a void in the market and teamed up with Studio-N’s Nora Mickee to co-found StudioPTBO (Studio-N + PTBOCanada =, a full service digital agency built for the age of social media that now has clients across North America. Starting and leveraging that experience as an entrepreneur into launching the start-up has been an extremely rewarding experience for Neil. “The energy, passion, talent, positivity and incredible customer service that offers our clients is second-to-none,” he says. “We have a dream team here.”  Neil is a social media, marketing and brand expert who often speaks to those topics at events throughout the community and beyond. He is also Co-Host of the StudioPTBO marketing podcast, and is Co-Authoring a book, “What If You Could? The Mindset & Business Blueprint for Your Life of Purpose”, due out Spring 2021 with his agency partner Cody May. When Neil isn’t strategizing how to build and scale his agency and work with more passionate and energetic entrepreneurs to help them build their businesses, you can find him somewhere on Stoney Lake in the Kawarthas in a canoe finding time for peace, reflection, perspective—and more idea generation!