How do you differentiate between beautiful and ugly?
For some, it’s a matter of life and death. Images, praises, insults, tears, and chuckles all come to mind.
But what is the difference between beautiful and ugly?
Beautiful is composed of the letters b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l. And ugly is composed of the letters u-g-l-y.
They’re simply words, describing words and overrated describing words at that.
People typically assess themselves based on the words that have been used to describe them. They instantly believe whatever others say about them to be true.
If someone says to you, “You’re ugly.” We think automatically. “Oh, I see! “My nose huge.” or “Yeah, even I don’t like my ears.”
If someone says to you, “You’re lovely.” We immediately think, “Thank you! That’s why I enjoy doing my hair in this way!”
The reality is, though, that things uttered about you can only be half accurate. You may have a gorgeous face or a terrible mentality, but you are neither beautiful nor ugly. Those are only descriptive words; they do not accurately depict all of you.
Ugliness does not mean the absence of beauty.
It is not in conflict with it. Ugliness is a beautiful thing in itself.
Defining ugliness only in opposition to beauty limits our understanding of what is normal. A simple glance at history reveals that defining beauty in one manner is merely another fashion decision – one that will change with the seasons. Only defining a person’s look regarding how it pertains to that criteria deprives us of a profound depth. Identity and self-worth are related to appearance. Recognizing the range of variances in looks helps us in identifying distinctions between people.
We can recognize variations in appearance without assigning a value to them.
Stop pretending that differences in appearance don’t matter in order to persuade people that they don’t. Politeness diminishes the importance of looks, especially when people try to be overly friendly and false.
What we truly need to accomplish is to break the link between appearances and the set of qualities that have been ascribed to them.
We’ve been taught that certain personality qualities are associated with beauty and ugliness. Even our fairytales follow this pattern. However, just because someone is handsome or pretty does not imply that they are kind or intelligent. Just because someone is less beautiful does not indicate that they are nasty or dumb.
It may appear easy, but it must begin with people recognizing that it is OK to acknowledge each other’s differences and that those differences do not come with a set of personality qualities by default.
The destination of ultimate beauty is a million dots on a map.
Beauty is a hotly debated topic. The definition of what is and isn’t attractive is continuously evolving.
No one, except perhaps supermodels, will triumph if beauty is defined as one end of a continuum, with ugliness at the other. Beauty isn’t the final goal on a scavenger hunt; it’s a million different destinations with a million different routes to get there.
A broader definition of beauty allows for more acceptance of appearance variation.
On the last note
You are beautiful. There is no single term that can adequately describe who you are. Your loving Creator created you to be a one-of-a-kind, diverse person. He didn’t make you pretty or unattractive; He made you be yourself.
That is all that counts; all other words may be set aside. Don’t worry about whether you’re pretty or ugly when you look in the mirror from now on – they are just words in a dictionary. Instead, strive to view yourself as God sees you. He made you unique and distinctive. Rejoice in it, and thank Him for it. When you put yourself down, you are putting down His artistic savant.