What is Intuition?

Intuition is a feeling based form of communication or guidance system between your soul and your body. It is the way our soul and spirit guides connect with and guide us. Intuition is how you connect with your dreams and your life purpose. Intuition is the butterflies in your belly. It is the whisper in the wind, the pings in your heart. Intuition is the gut feelings and epiphanies, it’s that voice in your head that won’t stop with the same message. It’s dreams that come true. It is about linking the 3 brains – the gut, the brain and the heart.

How to Connect

You know that gut feeling? That sinking feeling in your gut when something isn’t right? That’s your intuition pinging. It is easy to ignore sometimes, but 9 times out of 10, you will come to know that you should have listened. Here are some other pointers

1 – Meditate – this doesn’t have to be traditional style. It can be through yoga or going for a walk. Any activity that clears your mind and allows you to connect deeply within.

2 – Look for signs – When you have asked yourself a question or you are pondering an important decision, look for signs from spirit. Feathers, butterflies, rainbows, clouds, music, angel numbers. They are everywhere if you are open to them.

3 – Use your body as a pendulum – yes/no questions. Stand up. Take a deep breath. Clear your mind. As you stand there, breathe deeply, relax. Ask yourself a question that you know the answer to. Wait for your body to respond.

4 – Follow your passion – if you are following your passion, following what you are good at, there’s a very good chance you are living your soul’s purpose.

5 – Use your sleep for a purpose – Before you go to sleep, ask your guides and angels to reveal the answers in your sleep. Also ask to remember the answers? Sometimes you will wake up remembering the answers and sometimes you might wake up and just “know” what it is you need to do.

6 – Watch your self-talk – Watch how you speak to yourself when no one is around. Watch what you say to yourself when things aren’t going according to plan. Change your self-talk. You are a creative, amazing, divine woman. You are strong and powerful. You have all the skills and knowledge you need to succeed. Trust the process.

7 – Journal – clear your mind and write the first thing that comes to mind. It doesn’t matter what it is, just write. Write your feelings, write the things you want to achieve. Write what you want. Writing out your goals helps you to get clear on your objectives and your direction.

8 – Listen and Feel – You can connect to your intuition simply by listening and feeling. You will have a physical reaction to certain options. If it feels clear and easy and just right, that’s great. If you get that sinking feeling, you know it’s a no. If your body reacts with goosebumps or shivers or a racing heart or a change in your breathing pattern.

Learning to tune in to your intuition may be difficult at first, but it is like a muscle that needs exercising. Trust that the universe has your back and trust that you will receive the answers for the questions you ask.