Life Choices

Where did we begin?
Where do we think we are going?
Do we want to know and do we even care?

The path that we take
Is it chosen for us?
Or do we somehow get there and not know it.

How do we decide?
Where to go, how to go?

Are some people born knowing?
And are some just searching?

Which one would we rather be?
The all-knowing or the searcher

Life’s a tough game.
We can choose to be a shadow, or be a leader

We can choose to be the driver, or just sit along for the ride

Life is an amazing gift that we all have been given

The choice is OURS….It’s up to US to decide how we choose to live it.



  • Ruchi G. Kalra

    Business Storyteller/Coach

    Dancing Raindrops Inc.

    Namaste & Welcome

    I am a spicy blend of Indian, African and American culture. I was born in India, brought up in Africa and came to the US to go to college.

    I have a BS in Math/Computer Science, an MBA in Marketing and 3/4 of a MS in Information systems. I have been married to my best friend who is the love of my life and my very own Bollywood hero I have two amazing kids aged 21 and 18 that make my life a wonderful experience

    I love to do my little bit to help the world in whatever way I can be it through volunteering, coordinating community initiatives, or working with my kid's organization they started in their early teens - Help Humanity Today. One of my other passions is telling stories through my writings and travels, if you get a chance check me out on @footprinttheworld on IG.  I am what I am today because of my parents and everything they have taught me. Those values and all this love keeps me grounded to this confusing yet beautiful and complicated world!

    I know that we add to our story each and every day and I do remember to count my blessings each and every single day.